Southern Draw's 300 Hands Habano is part of a line of cigars that pays tribute to the countless artisans and farmers in Nicaragua who devote their lives to delivering quality premium cigars and tobacco. These are people that Robert Holt, the founder of Southern Draw, knows well: "We hope to continue to distribute 25% of our profits to those Nicaraguans that offered us their honest stories and identified specific needs in and around their own communities,” said Robert about the 300 Hands mission. With its Ecuador Habano wrapper, Cameroon binder, and Dominican and Nicaraguan core, 300 Hands Habano is full-bodied and brimming with sweet and peppery spice. Each cigar is rolled in Nicaragua by A.J. Fernandez Cigar Company, one of the hot hands in the cigar biz. Join us in celebration of the people of Nicaragua who have done and given so much to make the cigars we love. Get yours at Famous Smoke Shop today!