Well known for high-quality design, production, and durability Colibri cigar cutters are a must-have for any cigar enthusiast. Colibri’s website states “We produce a collection of smoking accessories that embody the spirit of timeless quality, effortless style, and tradition matched with modernity and life lived confidently.” Embodied by their long-standing history that dates back to their first product which was created in 1928. Over 90 years later, they have continued to manufacture some of the best cigar cutters and accessories to help you savor every moment of the cigar smoking experience!
Made with patented stainless-steel blades, your cigar cut will be clean and precise. The ritual of how to cut a cigar involves the precision of a good cigar cutter. Colibri cigar accessories Colibri offers six types of cigar cutters to fit everyone’s personal style.
Colibri manufacturing is so confident in the quality of its cutters, that they offer a manufacture limited warranty of two years.
Get the best cut every time, with Colibri Cutters - Shop Now!