Djarum cigars, especially the popular Djarum Black, have carved out a unique space in the world of cigars thanks to their distinctive blend of tobacco and clove. Manufactured in Indonesia since 1951, these little cigars are known as "kretek" due to the crackling sound they make while burning. With machine-made precision, Djarum cigars offer a smooth, flavorful experience in various blends, making them perfect for the smoker looking for something different.
Their filtered design gives them a clean draw, while the clove adds a spicy kick that sets them apart from other cigars. Affordable and full of flavor, Djarum cigars deliver a memorable, satisfying smoke that's hard to forget. Ready to experience the one-of-a-kind flavor? Add Djarum cigars to your cart and spark up something unique. Not quite your style? Check out all our discount options to find the cigar that suits your preferences.