Made by My Father Cigars as a tribute to Cuba, where Garcia's awe-inspiring cigar-making heritage began. Their cigars have made numerous appearances on Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 list, but the crème de la crème is the My Father Flor de Las Antillas Toro, named the #1 cigar by cigar Aficionado in 2012, earning respected 96 points out of 100.
These cigars are presented in all box-pressed sizes, blended with a variety of Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos and sun-grown tobaccos resulting in a medium-bodied ultra-smooth puro with distinct flavors including notes of pepper, cocoa, sweetened cedar, and earth.
Flor de Las Antillas is offered in seven sizes including: Robusto, Belicoso, Toro Gordo, Toro Grande, Toro Gordo Maduro, Toro Maduro, and the esteemed Toro cigar. This highly coveted lineup is captivating leaving a lasting impression on all who smoke these amazing cigars.
Flor de las Antillas which translates to “'Flower of the Antilles” maintains its high demand- along with its crown as one of the highest-rated cigars made by My Father, period. Send yourself some flowers by ordering a box of these beautiful Flor de las Antillas cigars!