Game Cigars by Garcia y Vega, introduced in 2007, are a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for their quality and rich flavor. Precision made with a mixed-filler blend of Cuban seed tobaccos and finished in natural leaf wrappers, including Candela and Sumatra, these cigars offer a medium-bodied, flavorful smoke.
Available in a variety of flavors such as Blue, Grape, Green, Vanilla, and White Grape, Game Cigars cater to every palate. Their airtight pouches ensure freshness, making them perfect for on-the-go enjoyment. Choose from wrapper options like Claro, Maduro, Natural, and the distinctive Candela, each providing a unique smoking experience.
Explore our selection of Game Cigars by Garcia y Vega and order now to enjoy the tradition and quality that only Garcia y Vega can provide.