Brought to you by Oliva Cigars in EstelĂ, Nicaragua, a major force in the world of fine premium handmade cigars. Gilberto Oliva Blanc presents you with an affordably-priced selection handcrafted in five popular sizes, each blended with milder Nicaraguan long-fillers made even smoother and creamier by a golden Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The smoke issues well-balanced flavors of earth, wood, and spice with a note of sweetness in the mix.
Mild enough for that first smoke of the day, yet flavorful enough to enjoy at any time, makes Gilberto Oliva Blanc a welcome addition for new cigar smokers seeking a top-quality Nicaraguan cigar without emptying their wallets. If that sounds like you, add some Gilberto Blanc cigars to your order now.