H. Upmann The Banker cigars remain faithful to the time-honored tradition of quality the brand is renowned for, and with an attractive price tag too. At the cigar's heart is an exquisitely blended combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos that have been meticulously wrapped in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf. It is said that Herman and Carl Upmann, two German bankers, journeyed to Cuba in 1844 to develop the perfect cigar. They wanted to keep it a closely guarded secret and, as a measure of extra protection, the blend was stored in a vault, known only to their wealthiest clients. The bank was unfortunately destroyed in the 1920s, but to your good fortune H. Upmann The Banker is a recreation of this remarkable cigar blend.
Break open the vault or your humidor and make room for this spicy and yet smooth medium-body smoke that carries a creamy texture, and features intense and earthy undertones. This is a perfect pick for any cigar enthusiast and this masterpiece comes with a historic backstory for the ages.
Receiving high praises from cigar reviewers worldwide, including Cigar Aficionado who supplied these tatting notes; " Draws evenly, delivering notes of black pepper and leather" Relish your palate in the opportunity to try this classic H. Upmann cigar!