Rocky Patel Cigars have teamed up with the Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC) to produce the first official CSWC cigar. For those unfamiliar, the CSWC holds events in more than 30 countries and challenges cigar enthusiasts to a fun competition of who can smoke a cigar the longest without it relighting or going out. In a press release, Rocky said, “I wanted to blend and produce a special competition cigar that can be enjoyed by everyone across the world for years to come.”
In the wrapper position, the RP team chose a lush Mexican San Andres Maduro over a core of tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras. And flavors like dark wood, sweet spices, and a hint of coffee make you want to smoke one right after the other. The blend is available in three sizes, including the Mareva (5 1/8” x 42), the official size for the Championship. Pick up a box and see if you’ve got what it takes to go the distance, even if it’s just making it to the weekend again!