Released in 2018, Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua cigars mark the latest edition to this classic, Cuban heritage imprint. This cigar lineup is made by Plasencia Cigars in Estelí and sports some sharp-looking new threads, too. Using an all-Nicaraguan leaf blend, these puros are distinctively opulent and teeming with earthy, sweet, and spicy notes from end-to-end. The construction is outstanding, and the band colors really stand out against the buttery, caramel-colored wrappers.
Made in four popular sizes, including the classic "Bully" Robusto, and presented in boxes of 25 cigars. Whether you're a devoted fan of the brand or a cigar smoker who just can't get enough of that rich Nicaraguan taste, this is one Romeo y Julieta your humidor shouldn't be without.