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AVO Cigar Brands

AVO Uvezian is known the world over as a composer, song writer, and above all else, a cigar guru. His cigars are blended under the watchful eye of Davidoff to ensure each AVO cigar rolling out of the factory is made to the highest standards possible, with Mr. Uvezian and master blender Hendrik Kelner composing each cigar with the careful precision of a master musician. No matter which line you decide to buy, you're getting the best quality on the market to enjoy any time of day. Save big on these delectable cigars at discount prices today at Famous Smoke Shop.

About AVO Cigars

AVO Cigars are a titan in the cigar world. They're known all over the world, and enjoyed by many as both an every day smoke for their reasonable price, and a special occasion smoke because let's face it, they're damn good. But the cigar's inspiration comes from one man that was well known before this incredible brand came into existence. I speak of course of the infamous Avo Uvezian. Perhaps you've heard of him. If not, listen to Frank Sinatra belt out "Strangers in the Night." Then you'll have listened to an AVO original composition.

Born into a family of musicians in Lebanon, he did the only thing that made sense- Avo picked up a trumpet, and joined a jazz band called the Lebanon Boys. They played all over the Middle East in nations such as Iraq and Iran, making feet tap and people swing anywhere they went. After his last show in Iran, he immigrated to the United States where he studied music further at the esteemed Julliard School. After performing a lot more, joining the Americans in the Korean War, and getting married, his passion for cigars came into full bloom upon the christening of his daughter Karyn in Switzerland.

As a celebratory stick for the special occasion, Avo lit up a Cuban cigar, but was shocked by the high price. Turning to a friend, he pointed out that he should start making cigars, and a dream was born. It wasn't until two years later while scouring the Dominican Republic for a decent factory to make his cigars that he met his future partner Henrik Kelner. Immediately they went into production together with Henrik blending all of the cigars. In just three years together, they were selling well over 750,000 cigars together, and in 1995, just a little over a decade of business later, Davidoff bought the rights to produce and distribute the cigars.

Under the watchful eye of Davidoff, AVO Cigars turned out more hits than Mr. Uvezian played on his trumpet. AVO Classic lead the way for the duo, but cigars like the Heritage, Domaine, and AVO Classic soon followed with an unbelievably positive reception. Now you can get all of these hits and more at Famous Smoke Shop at incredibly low prices. Famous Smoke Shop has the biggest discounts on the best cigars in the industry, all stored in our massive warehouse. Next time you're looking for an incredible cigar with unmatched flavor, pick up an AVO cigar from Famous.

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Best Selling Avo Products

Famous Smoke is a secure retailer of the finest cigars online at the web's best prices. Please note that Famous Smoke Shop does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 (or the minimum age in your local jurisdiction, whichever is higher). Note also that it is unlawful to even attempt to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not of legal age, please do not enter our site. For more information on how we verify age click here.
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