If you have not yet been acquainted with Cavalier Geneve cigars, then an immediate introduction is certainly in order.
The Swiss know a thing or two about quality – evidenced by the caliber of timepieces, chocolate and army knives that have come out of Geneva. The city has also played a historic role in the history of premium cigars, having been home to a very well-known luxury cigar brand. Cavalier Genève’s Sebastien Decoppet takes that luxury notion and applies it to small batch smokes. Every one of Cavalier Geneve’s cigars sports a gold diamond made of 24 karat gold leaf; it’s 100% perfectly smokable, and is the instantly recognizable hallmark of Decoppet’s cigars.
And now, the dramatic reveal...each of the Cavalier Geneve cigar series – White Series, Black Series and Black Series II - deliver on opulence, at a surprisingly low price. “A really good cigar for the money” doesn’t begin to do Cavalier Geneve justice; these are distinguished cigars made to provide a refined smoking experience. A finely tuned, neatly refined addition to your humidor: order a box from Famous Smoke now and see for yourself!