The collection of Don Lino branded cigars has been popular with cigar smokers for decades. Cigar master, Nestor Miranda created these delicious smokes and during the cigar boom in the mid 1990's, the brand was so popular that the cigar sold amazing and production was literally tripled over a two year period.
Today, Famous Smoke Shop features several Don Lino Cigars line extensions that have a loyal following and sell incredibly well. They are produced by Miami Cigars at the La Aurora Cigars Factory in the Dominican Republic. The Don Lino 1989 is a staple with many smokers, a medium bodied cigar that possesses a ton of nice flavor. It's a 6 x 60 big boy ring gauge with a nice box pressed finish. The blend consists of Cameroon, Dominican and Brazilian filler tobaccos, a binder from Indonesia, and a supple Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper.
The Don Lino Colorado is a medium bodied cigar with notes of coffee, wood and cocoa. The Dominican filler leaf is aged for three full years, and then the cigars are aged an additional six months to balance them out nicely.
Finally, the Don Lino Havana Reserve is a delicious little Habanito sized cigarillo that is available in a box count of fifty. These are mild and creamy smokes consisting of premium Dominican leaf that is aged up to three years. Then the finished cigars themselves are aged for an additional five more months to ensure their mellow and flavorful consistency.
The Famous line-up of the Don Lino brand are excellent smokes that are always available at very affordable prices!