Blended and crafted by the gifted hands of José "Pepin" Garcia. Born in Cuba, the future celebrated cigar maker rolled his first cigar at the tender age of 11, and later became a master of the trade. Like many of his peers, Don José eventually left Cuba, and in 2003 he and his family opened a modest cigar factory in Miami's Little Havana district. Pepin simply did what he did best - blend cigars with the finest tobaccos and roll them in the time-tested Cuban cigar making tradition.
In the wake of rave cigar reviews and a lot of word-of-mouth publicity, Don Pepin Garcia's reputation soared, and in 2008 Cigar Aficionado recognized him as “America’s Hottest Cigar Maker.” One year later, Don Pepin opened the Garcia Family Industrial Park, a seven-acre complex located just outside of Estelí, Nicaragua. The factory was named My Father Cigars (in honor of his father) where Pepin was also joined by his son Jaime and daughter Janny.
The core cigars produced by Don Pepin include Don Pepin Garcia Blue, Don Pepin Garcia Black, Don Pepin Garcia Series JJ, El Centurion, and La Dueña, which was created by Janny Garcia. Whatever Don Pepin Garcia cigar you choose, you're assured a meticulously handcrafted cigar that's uncompromisingly robust and aromatic with a distinctive combination of strength, richness, and spice.
Don José Pepin’s traditions, heart and soul go into every cigar he makes. "It is about a lifelong passion! It is not just about a cigar, it is a dream - the Garcia's dream!" says Pepin. The fact of the matter is, few cigars are as consistently well-made and flavorful. Treat yourself to some of the world's best cigars by adding some Don Pepin Garcia cigars to your next Famous Smoke Shop order.