The name La Aroma De Cuba cigars, translates to "The aroma of Cuba," are a call to the classic island nation, giving credence to the traditions of the original flavors and aromas of timeless world renowned cigars. Utilizing tried and true techniques in blending, La Aroma De Cuba strives and succeeds in presenting it's beholder with classic flavors to take you to the streets of Havana at a price tag that just makes sense.
La Aroma De Cuba claims their roots in Cuba from the late 1800s. After over a century of producing top quality cigars, Ashton Distributors Inc. bought the rights to the esteemed name to continue production. Originally, Ashton tasked the Flor de Copan factory in Honduras to manufacture these gems, but soon moved production to the My Father Cigars S.A. factory in Esteli, Nicaragua under the management of the legendary Garcia family. It was essential in contracting My Father Cigars to produce La Aroma De Cuba Cigars to ensure top quality, blending, and construction throughout the entire line.
Since their transition under the leadership of the Garcia family, La Aroma De Cuba has simply exploded, becoming one of the fastest growing brands on the market. The original line under the same name as the brand has matched and exceeded its Cuban predecessor with identical tastes that hit the palate harder and end with a bolder finish. Soon after, lines such as the medium bodied La Aroma De Cubana Edicion Especial, the sophisticated and refined Mi Amor Reserva, and the ultra rare, finely made Noblesse hit the market with equally warm reception with collectors searching high and low to stock their humidors.
It goes without saying that a cigar produced under Don Pepin Garcia and distributed by the esteemed Ashton Cigar Company would instantly become a hit in the stogie world, and the proof lies with La Aroma De Cuba. Ashton took a premium Cuba brand and found a way to make it even better than it already was. Collectors around the world wait in anticipation for every new release from this exclusive brand to experience the rich flavor and sophistication each line offers. Now, with Famous Smoke Shop's large inventory of this enticing brand, you can get your hands on any line in their portfolio. Get your La Aroma De Cuba cigars at discount prices now at Famous Smoke Shop low prices.