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Protocol Cigar Brands

Protocol cigars are the signature brand of the Cubariqueño Cigar Co., a boutique cigar company founded by New York Metropolitan area police officers, Juan Cancel & Bill Ives. Handcrafted in Nicaragua by famed cigar blender, Erik Espinosa at his La Zona factory, Protocol was launched nationally in 2015 to impressive reviews. Since then, the company has produced three selections: Protocol, Probable Cause, and Themis, each identified by blue, red, and gold bands, respectively.

All Protocol cigars are blended with a rich-tasting core of fully-aged Nicaraguan long-fillers rolled in dark, Ecuadorian Habano wrappers for the full-bodied Protocol Blue series. A savory Mexican San Andreas wrapper caps the medium-plus, Probable Cause line, while the medium-bodied Themis selection is graced by a plush Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper.

Whether you're "on the job" and want to take the edge off a long day, or on vacation, and want the perfect relaxation companion, Protocol has a cigar for every taste preference and occasion. Be sure to add some of these fine Nicaraguan cigars to your collection sooner than later.

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Best Selling Protocol Products

Famous Smoke is a secure retailer of the finest cigars online at the web's best prices. Please note that Famous Smoke Shop does not sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 (or the minimum age in your local jurisdiction, whichever is higher). Note also that it is unlawful to even attempt to purchase cigars below the minimum age. If you are not of legal age, please do not enter our site. For more information on how we verify age click here.
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