Torano Cigars offer the best of everything that makes smoking premium cigars a pleasure: the finest tobaccos, outstanding craftsmanship, rich flavor, and a highly-respected heritage that dates back to 1916, when Don Santiago Toraño emigrated from Spain to Cuba. His labor of love made the Toraño family one of the biggest growers of Cuban tobacco, but when the farms were nationalized in 1959, Don Carlos Toraño Sr. and his family emigrated to the Dominican Republic. It didn't take long before success caught-up with them again, and today, with farms and factories all over Central America, Toraño cigars are made with a passion for excellence and a flavor you'll want to return to again and again. From their legacy cigars like the Torano Exodus 1959, Cameroon 1916 and Torano Signature, to the new generation of Torano VAULT cigars, there's a Torano for every cigar lover. Choose the Torano cigar that's right for you and add some to your next order.