CAO Gold 4 Cigar Sampler
For cigar smokers who want their first taste of CAO Cigars, start here! This CAO Gold sampler includes four rich-tasting Robustos. Two in silky, Ecuador Connecticut wrappers, and two more in naturally sweet Brazilian Arapiraca maduro wrappers. Their smooth, medium-bodied flavor also makes this 4-pack ideal for new and more experienced cigar smokers. A terrific buy and a great gift idea.
CAO Gold 4 Cigar Sampler
For cigar smokers who want their first taste of CAO Cigars, start here! This CAO Gold sampler includes four rich-tasting Robustos. Two in silky, Ecuador Connecticut wrappers, and two more in naturally sweet Brazilian Arapiraca maduro wrappers. Their smooth, medium-bodied flavor also makes this 4-pack ideal for new and more experienced cigar smokers. A terrific buy and a great gift idea.