Charter Oak Rothschild
Famous Charter Oak Maduro cigars are a smooth, richly flavored alternative to more expensive cigars. The Rothschild cigars are a beauty, boasting the world's best tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. These budget-priced cigars are an excellent alternative for connoisseurs who like their cigars full but not overpowering.
Charter Oak Rothschild
Famous Charter Oak Maduro cigars are a smooth, richly flavored alternative to more expensive cigars. The Rothschild cigars are a beauty, boasting the world's best tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. These budget-priced cigars are an excellent alternative for connoisseurs who like their cigars full but not overpowering.
Charter Oak Rothschild
Famous Charter Oak Maduro cigars are a smooth, richly flavored alternative to more expensive cigars. The Rothschild cigars are a beauty, boasting the world's best tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. These budget-priced cigars are an excellent alternative for connoisseurs who like their cigars full but not overpowering.
Charter Oak Rothschild
Famous Charter Oak Maduro cigars are a smooth, richly flavored alternative to more expensive cigars. The Rothschild cigars are a beauty, boasting the world's best tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. These budget-priced cigars are an excellent alternative for connoisseurs who like their cigars full but not overpowering.