Larry Winget

Larry Winget is the author of the new book Grow A Pair: How to stop being a victim and take back your life, your business and your sanity. He is a five-time New York Times/Wall Street Journal bestselling author of books such as Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get A Life, You’re Broke Because You Want To Be, It’s Called Work For A Reason, Your Kids Are Your Own Fault and People Are Idiots And I Can Prove It. Larry is a member of the International Speaker Hall Of Fame. He has starred in his own television series, Big Spender on A&E and appeared in several national television commercials. Larry can be seen regularly on Fox News and Fox Business and many other television news shows on the topics of money, success, business and parenting. And please, do yourself a favor and buy his newest book, Grow A Pair: How to stop being a victim and take back your life, your business and your sanity.