Davidoff cigars buying guide

Davidoff Cigars Buying Guide

Welcome to the ultimate Davidoff cigars buying guide. Davidoff has been a major influence in the cigar industry ever since Zino Davidoff rolled out his first sticks in the mid-20th century, and they've continued to set the gold standard for luxury cigars ever since. From the thick and creamy Grand Cru to the full-flavored and opulent Churchill, today's Davidoff lineup is as diverse as it is impressive. But with so many products to choose from, we know it can be a real challenge to find what suits your tastes best, and that's where we come in.

Our Davidoff cigars buying guide is here to help you understand everything about the brand and their offerings. Whether you're just getting your feet wet or a seasoned smoker with a humidor packed with premium cigars, understanding the brand and its offerings will help you pick out the best Davidoff cigars to suit your palate.

A Brief History of Davidoff Cigars

The story of Davidoff cigars begins in the early 20th century with Zino Davidoff, a Ukrainian immigrant with a passion for fine tobacco. In 1911, his family opened a tobacco shop in Geneva, Switzerland, where young Zino would develop his expertise in cigars. This small shop would eventually lay the foundation for a global empire. By the 1940s, Zino had introduced his own line of Cuban cigars, quickly gaining an excellent reputation. His innovative approach to cigar storage, (some credit him with developing the first-ever "humidor,") revolutionized how cigars were kept and enjoyed.

In the 1960s, Davidoff cigars had become synonymous with luxury. The brand's partnership with Cuba created iconic lines such as the Davidoff No. 1, No. 2, and Château Series. However, the political climate in Cuba during the 1980s prompted Zino Davidoff to finally shift production to the Dominican Republic. This move ensured Davidoff could maintain its high standards and continue producing world-class cigars. The Dominican Republic offered fertile ground for tobacco cultivation, allowing Davidoff to craft cigars that matched and even surpassed their Cuban predecessors.

Today, Davidoff cigars are crafted in the Dominican Republic, continuing Zino's legacy. The brand offers a wide range of Davidoff cigar lines; each created to provide a distinctive smoking experience for customers of all creeds.

An Overview of Davidoff Cigar Lines

Davidoff cigars are known for their diverse flavor profiles and first-rate craftsmanship. Each line offers a unique smoking experience that caters to different preferences and occasions.

Here are some quick looks at some favorites in the Davidoff cigar lineup, which should give you the basic, broad strokes you need to know before you invest.

Grand Cru Series

The Grand Cru Series is the "quintessential connoisseur cigar," whose marque dates back to the 1940s. Inspired by the finest Bordeaux wines, these cigars brought that same sense of luxury and refinement to the cigar industry.

Initially using Cuban tobacco, the series transitioned to Dominican tobacco after the big split with Cuba. Think of Grand Cru as the benchmark for smooth, creamy smokes that scream sophistication.

  1. Flavor Profile: Mellow and creamy at the outset with a hint of earthiness. Base flavors include cedar, sweet tobacco, and light spice.
  2. Recommended For: Novices and those who prefer a mild and smooth smoking experience.

Signature Series

The Signature Series represents everything Davidoff does best: high-quality Dominican tobaccos, a flawless Connecticut wrapper, and a luxurious smoking experience. These sticks, launched to provide a consistent, mild smoking experience, are perfect for any occasion.

Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, the Signature Series offers a balanced, approachable flavor that's light and just plain satisfying.

  1. Flavor Profile: Lightly peppery with bready and earthy initial notes, finishing with a light citrus zest. The base flavors include cedar, spice, honey, mushroom-like must, earth, and bread.
  2. Recommended For: Beginners to intermediate smokers who enjoy a balanced, mild-to-medium-bodied cigar.

Aniversario Series

Launched in 1986 to celebrate Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday, the Aniversario Series quickly became a staple in the Davidoff lineup. These sticks are another excellent example of how Davidoff's tobacco blending hits every flavor zone on the palate. Creamy and loaded with nuanced flavors, the Aniversario is your go-to for celebrations and significant milestones.

  1. Flavor Profile: Starts earthy with a strong woody component, transitioning to cedar, sweet cream, and peppery spice as the cigar progresses.
  2. Recommended For: Smokers with some experience looking for a medium-bodied cigar with a harmonious flavor profile.

Millennium Blend

The Millennium Blend hit the scene in 2000 and has been turning heads ever since. This line was a way for the brand to step up its game with bolder, more intense Davidoff cigar flavors. The Millennium Blend features an Ecuadorian sun-grown wrapper and a blend of aged tobaccos for those who crave complexity and depth in their smoke.

  1. Flavor Profile: Earthy and slightly peppery with sweet initial notes. The cigar's base flavors are rich with earth, espresso, and black cherry.
  2. Recommended For: Experienced smokers seeking a fuller-bodied cigar with robust, deep flavors.

Nicaragua Series (Black Band Collection)

Launched in 2013, the Nicaragua Series was Davidoff's bold move into the world of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The inner tobaccos hail from all four growing regions of Nicaragua, producing an amazing complexity throughout the smoke. The Rosado-colored Habano wrapper leaf gives the Nicaragua a silky exterior and undeniable smoothness.

The Nicaragua Series shows Davidoff's versatility and knack for embracing new challenges while maintaining high standards.

  1. Flavor Profile: Starts with a slight sweetness and tanginess and moves into base cedar, citrus, and spice flavors.
  2. Recommended For: Seasoned smokers who enjoy medium-to-full-bodied cigars with a bit of a kick.

Yamasá Series (Black Band Collection)

The Yamasá Series is a testament to Davidoff's relentless pursuit of innovation. After years of experimenting, they finally cracked the code with tobaccos grown in the Yamasá region of the Dominican Republic.

These cigars start medium and build with every puff, giving them some beef that some Davidoff cigars lack.

  1. Flavor Profile: Initial notes of musty leather, citrus, and sweet creaminess, with a spicy finish. Base flavors include leather, citrus, toast, spice, and salt.
  2. Recommended For: Intermediate to advanced smokers who appreciate a complex and layered cigar.

Escurio Series (Black Band Collection)

The Escurio Series, introduced in 2015, brings the vibrant flavors of Brazil into the mix. With a blend of Brazilian and Dominican tobaccos, these cigars offer a dynamic and complex smoking experience. While they start mellow, they quickly build–perfect for smokers who enjoy a cigar that keeps them guessing with every puff.

  1. Flavor Profile: Begins with leather, pepper, cedar, earth, and nuts, with a dry sensation. The base flavors feature cedar, leather, nuts, toast, and citrus.
  2. Recommended For: Smokers with a palate for diverse, full-bodied cigars with rich, spicy notes.

Winston Churchill Series

The Winston Churchill Series, launched in 2007 and revamped in 2014, pays homage to one of history's most iconic cigar lovers. They aim to capture the complexity and depth of Sir Winston himself, blending tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and other regions. The result is a sophisticated, robust cigar perfect for the discerning smoker.

Davidoff Cigar Prices: What to Expect

Understanding the pricing structure of Davidoff cigars can help you make informed choices, whether treating yourself to a special occasion or stocking your humidor with everyday favorites. Here's what you can expect when it comes to Davidoff cigar prices.

Entry-Level Pricing

The Signature and Grand Cru lines are often considered the entry point into the Davidoff lineup. Prices typically range from $10 to $20 per cigar, making them accessible for those looking to experience Davidoff quality without breaking the bank.

Even at this lower price point, you get exceptional craftsmanship and a smooth, refined smoking experience embodying the Davidoff name.

Mid-Tier Pricing

The Aniversario and Millennium lines are a step up, with prices generally ranging from $20 to $30 per cigar. These cigars offer more complexity and a richer smoking experience, reflecting the careful selection of aged tobaccos and intricate blending processes that Davidoff is known for.

Premium Pricing

Nicaragua, Yamasá, and Escurio Series cigars usually cost between $25 and $40 per cigar. They feature rare tobaccos and longer aging processes that cater to more experienced palates. At this price level, you're enjoying cigars that push the boundaries of flavor and complexity.

Factors Influencing Davidoff Cigar Prices

When considering the cost of Davidoff cigars, it's essential to understand the various factors that influence their pricing:

  1. Tobacco Quality: Davidoff uses only the highest quality tobacco, often aged for several years, to achieve the perfect flavor balance. This meticulous selection process contributes significantly to the cost.
  2. Craftsmanship: Each Davidoff cigar is hand-rolled by experienced torcedores, ensuring consistency and quality in every stick. The skill and time required for this level of craftsmanship are reflected in the price.
  3. Aging Process: Many Davidoff cigars undergo an extended aging process, both for the tobacco leaves and the finished cigars. This aging enhances the flavor and smoothness and adds to the overall cost.
  4. Brand Prestige: The Davidoff name carries a reputation for luxury and excellence. This brand prestige allows Davidoff to command higher prices than other cigar brands.

Davidoff Cigar Storage: Keeping Your Investment Fresh

Investing in Davidoff cigars means acquiring some of the finest smokes available, so storing them properly is crucial to maintaining their quality.

Proper Davidoff cigar storage preserves the flavor and aroma and ensures that each stick remains in optimal smoking condition. Here's how to keep your Davidoff cigars fresh and ready to enjoy.

Understanding Humidity and Temperature

The two most important factors in cigar storage are humidity and temperature. Cigars are best kept at a relative humidity of 65-70% and a temperature of 65-70°F (18-21°C). Maintaining this environment prevents the cigars from drying out or becoming too moist, which can affect their burn and flavor.

  1. Too Dry: Cigars stored in an environment with less than 65% humidity will become brittle and lose their essential oils, leading to a harsh and unpleasant smoke.
  2. Too Moist: Humidity levels above 70% can cause cigars to swell, affecting the draw and potentially leading to mold growth.

Choosing the Right Humidor

A humidor is an essential investment for any cigar enthusiast. Here's what to look for when choosing one:

  1. Seal Quality: A good humidor should have an airtight seal to maintain consistent humidity levels. The best way to test this is by closing the lid – you should feel a slight resistance as the air inside the humidor compresses.
  2. Size: Choose a humidor that fits your collection. It's better to have a slightly larger humidor than one that's too small, as overcrowding can impede airflow and proper humidity distribution.

Seasoning Your Humidor

Before using a new humidor, it must be seasoned to maintain the proper humidity levels. Here's a simple seasoning process:

  1. Wipe Down: Lightly dampen a clean cloth with distilled water and wipe the interior wood surfaces.
  2. Humidify: Place a small dish of distilled water inside the humidor or use a humidification device. Close the lid and let it sit for 24-48 hours.
  3. Check Levels: Use a hygrometer to check the humidity. Aim for around 70% before adding your cigars.

Frequently Asked Questions About Davidoff Cigars

If you have questions or want to know more about Davidoff cigars, check out the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

How long do Davidoff cigars last?

When stored properly in a humidor, Davidoff cigars can maintain their quality and flavor for several years. Some fans believe that aging cigars can even enhance their flavors over time. The key to longevity is consistent humidity and temperature control, which preserves the cigars' essential oils and prevents them from drying out or becoming moldy.

What drinks pair well with Davidoff cigars?

Davidoff cigars pair well with a variety of beverages. Mild cigars like those from the Signature Series pair nicely with coffee or a light white wine. Medium to full-bodied cigars, like the Grand Cru or Nicaragua Series, complement well with aged spirits such as rum, bourbon, or a robust red wine. Experimenting with different pairings can enhance your overall smoking experience.

Where can I buy Davidoff cigars?

You can purchase Davidoff cigars from reputable retailers like Famous Smoke Shop, which offers a wide selection of Davidoff products. Famous Smoke Shop provides detailed product information, customer reviews, and expert advice to help you choose the best Davidoff cigars for your taste and occasion.

Shop the Best Davidoff Cigars at Famous Smoke Shop

Interested in trying out your favorite from the Davidoff lineup? Famous Smoke Shop can help. We carry all the best Davidoff cigar lines, so you can find the perfect stick to suit your tastes. Explore sophisticated Davidoff cigar flavors, their impeccable construction, and the rich heritage this brand has to offer. Browse our entire selection and find your perfect match today.

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