Enter Cigar Advisor’s Monthly Cigar Sweepstakes to Win Free Stuff from Famous Smoke Shop!
You must be 21 years or older and a resident of the contiguous 48 states (excluding states AK, HI, and UT) to qualify for entry.
Enter now for your chance to take home the goods in this month’s cigar sweepstakes – you’ll earn bonus entries for each extra step you complete!
Free is always better. Be it a drink, a meal, a cigar – or in our case, some great cigar swag giveaways. We’re talking about a chance to win some eye-catching, must-have, and sometimes even downright one-of-a-kind merch from your favorite premium cigar manufacturers. And while we could squirrel away these rare goodies and gift sets and cigar prizes to pretty up our Instagram feeds, we figured nah…let’s pay it forward and share the wealth with you. Because it’s the right thing to do. And it’s the Cigar Advisor Way.
So, in addition to counting on us for great cigar info, tips, and recommendations, you can rely on the Advisors to offer up another finely curated giveaway in our monthly cigar sweepstakes. And each turn of the calendar page brings another chance at an awesome prize for our Brothers and Sisters of the Leaf – next time, it could be a gift card giveaway for cigars and accessories from Famous Smoke Shop…a custom humidor…a cigar and drink pairing gift set…If it’s cool, we’ll find a way to give it away to a cigar lover like you. And we’ll do it for the best price on earth: FREE.
So step on up, throw your name in the ring, and win these cigar goodies – Enter NOW for your chance to win FREE cigar accessories & other great prizes from Cigar Advisor & Famous Smoke Shop!
View Official Cigar Giveaway Contest Rules Here
So while you can count on a knowledge drop every week from the staff, every so often the Advisors will pass along some special giveaways, run cigar contests and dish sweet prizes for our Brothers and Sisters of the Leaf.
Previous Winners:
Larry V of MO | Hugh A of IN | Victor R of MN | James P of FL | Donald E of MI | Victor R of MN | Jeff M. of MS | Donald E. of MI | Drew M. of PA | Zayne M. of TX | Greg M. of IA | Vincent V. of CO | Bruce B. of MA | Richard H. of FL | Christopher A. of LA | Russel L. of MO | PB of IL | John E. of NY | Christopher R. of WI | Vincent A. of NY | Bryan S. of OH | Richard C. of AK | Doug M. of TN| Joe O. of Tx | Shawn M. of OH | Michael W. of NY | Iwan C. of WY | Austin B. of TX | Eric H. of MD | Trent S. of TX | Larry H. of AL | Donald K. of ME | Ralph B. of TX | Drew S. of PA | Joshua M. of KS | Brian I. of NY | Kathryn D. of CA | Marshall M. of NJ | Steve G. of NC | Jose R. of PA | Ryan B. of OR | Victor O. of CT | Aaron A. of MN | Mike W. of NJ | Ethan C. of CO | Zoran A. of MO | Brandon J. of TN | Shari D. of KS | Peter O. of WI | Robert S. of IN | Rickey R. of TX | Randall T. of WY | Jeremy B. of DE | Keith R. of NJ | Randy C. of CA | Gary Y. of WV | Darrylyn B. of NC | Edward Z. of NY | Cindi M. of SC | Kenny A. of CA | Steve M. of CA | Jarod A. of CO | Tony C. of IL | Kenneth Z. of NY | Daniel Y. of PA | Jason F. of MD | Justin T. of PA | Christopher H. of SC | Charles M. of CA | Jim S. of MN | Amanda R. of CA | Ryan R. of WI | William C. of MI | Bill S. of WI | Rolan B. of TX | Chris D. of TX | Jonathan C. of SC | Mike C. of MD | Craig T. of FL