Cigar Lifestyle

The cigar lifestyle is not accessible just to those blessed with a top-shelf existence: $12,000 watches, private jet timeshares and golf at exclusive resorts in Dubai. Sure, we appreciate the so-called “finer things” as much as the next guys…but ask yourself which you care about more: someone who can tell you what rare and expensive Japanese whiskies taste like, or finding a good bottle of Scotch that goes great with your favorite cigar?

We believe the Cigar Lifestyle is accessible to anyone and everyone. Cigars have proven time and again to be the great equalizer among strangers: they are our shared passion, and everything we do is built on a foundation of appreciation we have for great cigars. The craftsmanship, the blending, the heritage and the history…these lessons are our unique offer to the Cigar Advisor reader. From practical tips on making your next cigar lounge experience more rewarding, to discussing cigar history, to recognizing the people on the big (and little) screen that helped make cigar smoking the iconic, satisfying experience we know it is today – it’s all starts here.
