Cigars 101

Fan Mail: More of Your Burning Cigar Questions Get Answered (Part 50)

See Cigar Advisor’s video answers to the latest top cigar questions!

Ah, time to rifle through the Cigar Advisor mail bag. Can you believe it’s our 50th Fan Mail edition? Neither can we! Oh, how far we’ve come. That’s why we’ve picked some extra special cigar questions to answer this month. First up: Paul has some fresh info on how to get the smell of cigar smoke out of your clothes. Then we have Gary offering tips on promoting better airflow in your humidor. And finally, Jared’s taste testing a frozen cigar to see how a long deep freeze affects its flavor.

Don’t miss our video responses. And remember—if you have a cigar question, ask us in the comments below. We just might pick yours next time!

Cigar Question 1: How do I get cigar smoke out of my clothes?

By Paul Lukens

Today’s question comes from Pete in Madison, Wisconsin who asks, ‘Sometimes after a night around the fire pit with friends and cigars, my clothing is completely saturated with the smoke smell. Is there any way to remove heavy duty smells?’

Thanks for the question, and there are a couple different ways to remove the smell of smoke in your clothing. First is simple laundering, but we’re after something extra here. Check out the video to see other ways to remove heavy duty smoke smells from your clothes.

Cigar Question 2: How to improve air circulation in a cigar humidor

By Gary Korb

Cory in Plymouth, Massachusetts heard that in addition to humidity & temperature, cigars also need good air circulation. Writing to us on how to get his cigars some fresh air, this video shows several practical ways to improve the air circulation in your humidor. Watch for my full response now.

Cigar Question 3: Can I store my cigars in the freezer long term?

By Jared Gulick

Andy from Davis, California wrote me with an all too familiar question.

“My friend says he keeps his cigars in the freezer and they smoke just fine. Is this true? Your article on freezing cigars says it’s a bad idea. Is it really going to ruin them? Why does it work for him?”

Andy, thanks so much for your question. It’s true that some people store their cigars in a freezer. It happened before I started smoking and it’s going to continue long after I’m gone. But instead of answering the question the same way I always have (the link above does that just fine), I’m going to freeze one of my favorite cigar blends for a month, and then smoke it to see what impact it has on flavor.