Cigar of the Week: Nicaraguan Selection 3000 Torpedo
The filer & binder consist of diverse Nicaraguan tobaccos (EstelÃ, Condega, Jalapa) box-pressed inside dark, Ecuadorian-grown Habano wrappers. This cigar starts out with a spicy punch, then rounds out offering earthy, woody, and nutty flavors. The smoke is very smooth and well-balanced, which keeps these cigars from seeming too overpowering. Once you hit the halfway mark, the flavors begin to caramelize, becoming much spicier with a dash of espresso in the mix. The last act is all flavor bomb. Take your time with this cigar and you’ll appreciate it much more, too.
If you’re into milder cigars, you may want to pass on these, but if you’re the adventurous type, go for it. Based on my experience, the Torpedoes will shed a little spiciness with some extended home aging.