Cigars 101
Smoking a cigar is the easy part…what takes a little practice is the preparation for enjoying a premium cigar. Cigars 101 is a collection of the cigar wisdom that’s been handed down through generations; these are the lessons we learned from the cigar pros who came before us, along with certified tobacconist-quality advice that will help you in every step of your cigar journey. We have all the basics to get you up and running: cigar terms you need to know, how to cut a cigar, how to light a cigar, plus how to season a humidor and tips for how to keep cigars fresh…these tips are invaluable if you’re new to the cigar way of life, and serve as great reminders for the experts, too.
Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by why and how a humidor works, or the difference between cigar shapes and sizes. Get the tips, and you’ll be smoking like a pro in no time.