Fan Mail: Your Burning Cigar Questions – Answered (Part 24)
ANOTHER Four of Your Burning Cigar Questions, Answered…
By the Cigar Advisor Editors
The cigar questions are coming fast and furious, and from all sides…email, Twitter, even Facebook Live has been a treasure trove of great cigar Q&As that we thought would be good to share out loud. Free cigar knowledge for everyone: reach out to us if you’ve got cigar questions, and we may just answer them in this space next time, too. In the meantime, here’s what we’ve got on video for you this month. . .
Cigar Question #1: When and How to Purge a Cigar
By John Pullo
We always advise not to inhale when you smoke a cigar…but it turns out that blowing the smoke out of your cigar actually can make for a more pleasurable experience. It’s called purging your cigar, and it’s a helpful part of fixing things, especially if you have a cigar that’s gone out, is going out, or is just burning slightly off. Will it also improve the cigar’s flavor? Try it for yourself with this quick explanation of how to purge a cigar, and see.
Cigar Question #2: Why Some Cigars Have an Additional Band at the Foot
By Gary Korb
For many premium handmade cigars, the band is what first catches your attention. Some cigars have two or even three bands. Does that make them even more attractive? Perhaps. Who knows. Come to think of it, in some cases the band turns out to be the best part of the cigar. But when a cigar has an additional band at its base, or “foot,” there’s more than one reason for it, and this video explains it all.
Cigar Question #3: How to Store Cigars Packaged in Tins
By Fred Lunt
We’ve covered how to store tubo cigars, but what about those little cigars that come in tins? Well Cigar Advisor, Fred Lunt, is going to answer that question. In this Cigars 101 video, he explains in detail the difference between the European-style tinned cigars and the modern, handmade small cigars you see more often these days. Plus, you’ll learn the best relative humidity for storing cigars in tins. Watch now and see!
Cigar Question #4: How to Help a Novice Smoker Choose a Good Cigar
By Tommy Zman
We all know those guys who only smoke cigars when they’re playing poker or golf, but what about the cigar smokers who want to learn more and expand their horizons? Well, the Zman’s got some good tips on how to help them grow into true Brothers of the Leaf like you and me.
As always, we appreciate your comments and sharing these videos with your fellow cigar smokers. If you’ve got cigar questions, let us know by leaving a comment, or send us a message via Facebook or one of our other social media channels. We’ll use them for our next edition of Fan Mail.
– Gary, John, Fred, and Zman