Fan Mail: Your Burning Cigar Questions Get Answered (Part 49)
See Cigar Advisor’s video answers to the latest top cigar questions!
It’s our favorite time of the month! We get to root around inside the Cigar Advisor Fan Mail bag and find our favorite smoky inquiries to answer on video. We’ve been at this a long time and you folks never come up short on sending us your burning cigar questions.
In this 49th edition, we’re answering your e-mails about what makes cigars good, how to identify your cigar’s aroma while you’re smoking it, and a question about V-cuts inspired by the Darkest Hour movie on Winston Churchill.
Join us for the video responses to each of these questions below and be sure to submit your cigar questions in the comments section below, or on any of our social media channels.
Cigar Question 1: How do I identify the aroma of my cigar?
By Gary Korb
Miqui in South Carolina wanted to know why she can smell other’s cigars but not her own. Using a technique he discovered by accident, watch now as Gary demonstrates this unusual way of identifying the fragrances in your cigar smoke.
Cigar Question 2: I saw a V-cut cigar in the Darkest Hour movie about Winston Churchill. Did V-cutters exist during WWII?
By Jared Gulick
Gordie in Lancaster, Pa. wrote us an interesting question this month about V-cut cigar cutters (also known as cat’s eye cutters). He was watching Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Churchill in Darkest Hour and noticed a V-cut cigar. Funny thing is, I noticed it, too, and had the same question. Did V-cutters exist in the 1940s? It turns out they did…but did Churchill use them? Tune in and find out!
Cigar Question 3: What makes a cigar ‘good’?
By Paul Lukens
Ron, from Portsmouth, New Hampshire asks if there is a way to tell if a cigar is good or not.
This is an interesting question with no simple answer. If we remove personal flavor preference, are there any basic standards for cigar quality? Watch my video for some basic guidelines for determining a cigar’s overall quality.