How to Open the Draw on Tapered Head Cigars
Learning About Cigars: How to Open the Draw on Tapered and Shaped Cigars
Q: My favorite cigar is the Oliva V, the one that’s shaped like a figurado. Since the end of the cigar is pointed, I can’t punch the cigar – and I get nervous when using my regular cutter, because I’m worried that if I take off too much of the cap that it’s going to start unraveling on me. I think I’m cutting it right – but I’m still having massive draw problems, and I don’t have that happen when I smoke the other cigars from Oliva – or other torpedos. Is it me, or is it the cigar? Have you had this problem with these?
– Jonathan, Hackensack NJ
A: I’m also a huge fan of torpedo cigars, but truth be told, I’ve never had a draw problem with the Serie V, including the Beli, or any Oliva cigars for that matter. (Maybe I’ve just been lucky.)
In the case of the Oliva V, since you’re referring to a “figurado,” perhaps you’re not clipping the cigars deep enough. Try cutting a little more cap. Also, try rotating the cigar and gently biting down on it. You should eventually find a “spot” that frees-up the smoke for you. It’s a little trick I learned when smoking tapered head cigars.