Cigars 101

Dry Boxing: Best Cigar Smoking Tip Ever!

Dry boxing is the practice of placing cigars in an un-humidified container prior to smoking. By doing so we allow the sticks to shed excess moisture, leading to a better burn and flavor. The duration of time in the dry box will depend on the container being used and finding the right vessel for dry boxing is crucial.

I have found the best dry boxes are those plastic cigar “road cases” sold by most cigar dealers. Chances are you already own one. I recommend putting a few cigars in the case and smoking them over the course of the following week. These road cases work well because they contain some moisture but allow the cigars to stabilize to perfect smoking condition. I discovered this when I noticed how well my cigars were smoking while on vacation.

I do this regularly and find that it makes a huge difference. I recommend everyone give it a try.


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