Cigar News

Looking for the latest headlines in the premium cigar world? The Advisors are here with a quick and easy overview of the must-read cigar news. Updates on new cigar releases, events and more; you can follow the latest details on cigar legislation and regulation, the premium cigar industry’s response, and other big issues that are going to have an impact on your ability to enjoy a premium cigar.

For over 75 years, Famous Smoke Shop has dutifully served millions of cigar smokers, supporting your freedom to enjoy premium handmade cigars wherever and whenever you choose. The Cigar Advisors continue that work by advocating on behalf of premium cigar enthusiast nationwide, while providing you the information you need to be a well-informed consumer with regard to those who are working to take that right away. We are fighting for you, and we are empowering you to do the same.
