Cigar News: C.L.E. Cigar Company Releasing Asylum 867 Cigars
Asylum 867 Presents An Aromatic Smoking Experience Using Exotic Tobacco
C.L.E. Cigar Company announces the release of Asylum 867 (formerly known as “Deadwood Tobacco Co. Chasing the Dragon”). Asylum Cigars, recognized for its bold and edgy cigars is pushing the edge of the envelope once again. The new variable for the 867 blend is the involvement of Wild Bill Rectenwald and his team at Deadwood Tobacco Co. and Cigar Bar in Deadwood, South Dakota.
Christian Eiroa, Founder and President of C.L.E. Cigar Company turned to Wild Bill and his team to blend a cigar unlike any other Asylum blend. So, for Asylum 867 they went with an aromatic smoking experience using exotic tobaccos—a first for Asylum which is known for its traditional premium cigar blends and extra-large ring gauges. Speaking of which, the Asylum 867 Midnight Oil blend offers a 7″x70 vitola, but the other sizes among all three blends are more conservative.
In South Dakota, Wild Bill Rectenwald, Marine, gun enthusiast, and motorcycle rider has created a unique cigar smoking culture. Even his bar has been called “Best Cigar Bar in the West.” With that, C.L.E. Cigar Company VP of sales and Asylum Cigars co-founder, Tom Lazuka, believed that a collaboration between Asylum and Wild Bill would be a huge success.
According to Christian Eiroa, “When Tom first came to me with this idea, I thought it was crazy enough to be an Asylum project. In the end Wild Bill and his team have brought to the table a blend that introduces a new dimension for the Asylum brand.”
The Asylum 867 series features three different blends: Aunti, Midnight Oil, and Zero, which are presented in 20-count boxes.
AUNTI Corona: 46 x 5” – MSRP $9.50/cigar
Petite Corona: 44 x 5” – MSRP $9.50/cigar
Auntie Lancero: 38 x 7” – MSRP $11.00/cigar
MIDNIGHT OIL The 54: 54 x 6” – MSRP $12.00/cigar
The 60: 60 x 6” – MSRP. $12.50/cigar
The 70: 70 x 7” – MSRP. $14.00/cigar
ZERO Robusto: 50 x 5” – MSRP $ 10.50/cigar
Toro: 50 x 6” – MSRP $11.00/cigar
Churchill: 48 x 7” – MSRP $11.50/cigar
About Asylum Cigars
Asylum serves as the alter ego of C.L.E Cigar Company. Edgy packaging, uniquely large sizes combined with deeply bold and flavorful blends allows Master Blender Christian Eiroa to experiment with out-of-the-box ideas that break tradition. CA