Cigar News: Premium Cigar Industry Wins Pivotal Victory Over FDA
Washington, DC — In the biggest cigar news since the boom, Cigar Association of America President, David Ozgo wrote in an e-mailed press release,
“We’re pleased to report that earlier today, Judge Mehta issued his remedy decision in the industry litigation against FDA. In a sweeping victory, the court vacated the Deeming Rule as to premium cigars. This means that premium cigars will no longer be subject to FDA regulation. This decision is the culmination of the case, Cigar Association of America, et al v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, filed in July 2016.
The court concluded that FDA failed to consider an “important aspect of the problem,” specifically scientific research submitted comments to the Proposed Deeming Rule, which supported the default remedy of vacatur. The court went on to say that any “disruptive consequences” of vacatur did not outweigh rejecting that default remedy. Should FDA wish to regulate premium cigars, it will need to start from the very beginning.
We will continue to review the decision and provide additional information and answers to a number of important questions. CAA is pleased to have participated in this critical matter. As always, CAA will continue to represent the interests of the entire cigar industry.“
A Nearly Decade-Long Battle Against the FDA
Cigar Advisor and Famous Smoke Shop, among many cigar rights advocates like the CAA and CRA, tobacco allies and retailers, have been vocal advocates of consumer cigar rights. We’ve been fighting to repeal FDA oversight from the beginning. But we’re happy to be far outnumbered by our brothers and sisters of the leaf—each on a mission to make their voices heard. Those of you who took the time to call, write, e-mail, or tweet your local representatives in Washington, and demand the freedom to enjoy premium tobacco products, have been just as integral to the victory; we couldn’t have done it alone.
Victory Well Earned & Deserved, But the Cigar Rights Fight Continues
We’ll be celebrating right alongside you tonight—with a tasty cigar, of course—but first, something to consider. While we’ve overcome a nearly-decade-long hurdle with the FDA, it will not likely stop them from trying again. We must remain diligent. Now is not the time for complacency.
Keep reminding your local representatives in Washington that the right to smoke cigars should be enjoyed by every law-abiding adult who chooses them as their form of relaxation.