Cigars 101

Why do I tend to salivate more when I smoke certain cigars?

A: I have to admit, this is a new one for me. Sounds like you’re saying that only mild cigars don’t cause this to happen. It could just be your body chemistry. Perhaps your palate is so sensitive to the stronger or richer tasting tobaccos and they just let loose. However, for a more qualified answer to this question I went to an expert, David “Doc” Diaz at
“I have come across this question many times. It is a thorny one because, in some people, cigar smoking increases saliva, while in others, smoking reduces saliva production and leads to a dry mouth.

It is unclear why tobacco has different effects on different people. It is likely that it is purely due to individual differences in a person’s ability to tolerate the components of cigar tobacco. It has been long noted that smoking increases the salivary response in new smokers. The mucous membranes are not accustomed to the components in cigar smoke and overreact. Over time, they develop tolerance to the tobacco constituents and salivary secretion is reduced as a smoker becomes more accustomed to smoking cigars.

Another consideration is the time that the tobacco is in contact with the salivary secreting membranes. If a cigar smoker keeps a cigar in their mouth, it will likely increase the flow of saliva.”

David Diaz, Ed.D.
aka “Doc”
Editor in Chief, Stogie Fresh Online Cigar Publications