The Beginner’s Guide To Cigar Smoking - Develop Your Taste

Develop Your Taste For Cigars

Wondering which cigar is right for you, or confused about how to choose a good cigar? This section will help you decide what qualities to look for when selecting a smoke. We’ve included more how-to videos to make it easy; and be sure to take our fun, interactive quiz to help you know what kind of cigar smoker you really are.

The Next Step on Your Cigar Journey

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s continue to light up the trail to cigar enjoyment: developing your taste. Ultimately, your experiences and enjoyment of cigars will be unique to you. No two people pull the same aromas and flavors from the same stick – everyone’s palate is sensitive to different cigar taste profiles.

It’s key to remember the enjoyment of a cigar goes beyond your taste buds. A cigar is a full sensory experience. Feeling the consistent firmness of a well-rolled cigar and the way the shape of one fits in your hand. Hearing how the wrapper that’s been exposed to the right humidity sounds as you gently roll it between your fingers. Savoring the aromas of an unlit cigar and the various nuances showing up in the smoke. And, of course, the flavor. As you embrace the cigar lifestyle you’ll form preferences for each sense helping you know when you’ve discovered your ideal cigar.

But how to get there?


Start with your sense of smell. Does the aroma call to mind your favorite flavors, such as vanilla, almonds, cocoa or citrus? Chances are, if the aroma appeals to you, the taste of the cigar will as well. Consider starting with a light or medium cigar to get good flavor without being overwhelmed by the power of a full-bodied cigar. Also, consider how much time you have to smoke. Forty-five minutes? Two hours? The time you can carve out to enjoy your cigar can help determine the size and shape of cigar to pick.

Keep Track of What You Smoke

Make notes about what you like, or don’t like, about the cigars you smoke. Record the nuances and dominant characteristics of each cigar. Perhaps you discover you like the leathery notes of a particular cigar but you don’t care for the earthy overtones. Even if you can’t yet decipher the individual flavors, knowing the names of which cigars you’ve enjoyed is important. Understanding those preferences will help you and your tobacconist choose other cigars better suited to you.

Don’t Judge Too Quickly

Cigars are meant to be smoked from beginning to end. That’s because the flavors will evolve depending on the different tobaccos used for the filler and how they are arranged within the cigar. Take your time smoking the cigar because a slow burn will allow the sugars and essential oils in the tobacco to caramelize, and produce more subtle flavors. If a cigar burns too quickly, those oils evaporate, and may remove some of those subtle nuances. Also, the smoke from a rapidly and hot-burning cigar can turn bitter and unpleasant.

Key Characteristics Influencing Your Enjoyment of a Cigar



This can be defined as the intensity of the smoking experience of a cigar.

The richness and complexity of the flavor; the aroma; the volume of smoke; the strength; the weight of the smoke on the palate; and the texture and smoothness of the smoke are all part of what makes up “body.” A full-bodied cigar will feel heavy in the mouth and nose, while a very light-bodied cigar will feel the opposite.



The distinctive tastes of the cigar on the palate and in the nose is the “flavor”.

The flavor is influenced by the soil and growing conditions (where the tobacco was raised) as well as the harvesting, fermenting, blending and aging processes the tobacco leaves are subjected to. Just as different tastes are sensed on different parts of the tongue, different smells and textures are distinguished in different areas of the nose.



A cigar’s level of nicotine and the associated impact it has on your system when smoked.

Nicotine can produce pleasant reactions such as euphoria or a sense of energy, but can also cause dizziness or nausea. Tolerance to the effect of nicotine levels can vary from person to person, but it’s recommended for beginners to start with low-to-medium-strength cigars.

How-To Videos

These videos will help you discover more about your flavor profile and palate. They’ll also help refine your cigar knowledge when it comes to taste and strength.

Choosing the Best First Cigar
Key questions to help you pick the first of many cigars on your cigar journey.
Flavored vs. Traditional Cigars
Don’t all cigars have flavor? Of course, but some cigars are infused or given additional flavoring besides the natural tobacco leaves. This video explains the difference.
What Determines Cigar Strength?
The strength of a premium hand rolled cigar is designated as being either mild, medium, or full, and is based on the specific tobaccos used in the cigar's blend.
How to get rid of cigar odor and breath
Cigars can leave a distinct scent on your breath, clothing and your surroundings. Check out these quick tips to get rid of these odors.
Do cigars have nicotine and how much?
The nicotine in a cigar will vary based on a number of different factors, all of which we explain in this video.
How to Clean Your Palate
When smoking multiple cigars in a short time period or if you want to cleanse your palate after a particularly strong cigar, here are some great tips.

Teach Me More About Choosing Cigars

Top Cigar Producing Countries

Cuban cigars continue to enjoy a fine reputation. The island nation has always been known for having the ideal tobacco growing soil and weather conditions for making the best premium handmade cigars. However, with the Cuban Revolution having nationalized the farms in 1959 and the impact of the U.S. Trade Embargo of 1961, the Cuban cigar industry changed dramatically as many tobacco-growing families and cigar makers fled to other countries like Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Since then, a lot of cigar smokers in the U.S. have been denied the pleasure of experiencing an authentic Cuban cigar.

During that same time period, the tobacco industry in other countries has exploded. Those master growers and blenders who fled Cuba took their knowledge – and in most cases, Cuban seeds – creating a comparable industry in other countries. Moreover, some would argue the quality of cigars from places like the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua surpasses that of Cuba.

Since different cigar makers create different flavor combinations for their blends, here’s a guide to what flavors you can expect from some of the top cigar-producing countries.

Show Me Different Cigar Shapes & Sizes

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