Discount cigars can be found lots of places, so why buy premium cigars online from Famous Smoke Shop? For starters, our online cigar shop offers the widest selection of cigars. Whether you prefer premium cigars or cheap cigars, a mellow cigar or a full-bodied cigar, hand rolled cigars or machine made cigars, you'll find the cigar you're looking for at the best prices, and we guarantee they will be delivered fresh, that has been our policy since we opened in 1939.
Besides unbelievable low prices on the largest and widest selection of cigars, humidors and cigar accessories, our award-winning customer service makes shopping for the cigar you need a breeze. At Famous Smoke Shop our customer service is by far leading the industry, and that is what makes us the best online cigar store around. All purchases from Famous Smoke Shop come with an unprecedented 30-day money-back guarantee. Great prices, the widest selection of cigars and cigar accessories, the best service - buy your cigar humidor, accessories and some of the best cigars now at Famous, you will not be disappointed!
"I do not consider a sale complete until the customer is satisfied"
- Arthur Zaretsky, President