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Davidoff 12 Cigar Assortment

Davidoff 12 Cigar Assortment - CI-DVX-12ASST
Sampler of 12
5.0 stars
by 6 customers
Varies - Varies - Sampler of 12
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A dazzling dozen of Davidoff's BEST cigars in a wide variety of sizes personifying the entire range Davidoff's luxurious flavors and aromas. Presented in a cedar wood box with a detailed description of each cigar, it's the perfect gift for the cigar aficionado who relishes The Good Life.

Strength: Varies
Shape: Varies
Size: Varies
Country: Dominican Republic
Color: Varies
Wrapper Origin: Varies
Wrapper Leaf: Varies
1 Davidoff #4000
1 Davidoff Signature 2000
1 Davidoff Aniv. Special 'R'
1 Davidoff Aniverario Special T
1 Davidoff Grand Cru No. 2
1 Davidoff Signature No. 2
1 Davidoff Millennium Pet Corona
1 Davidoff Millennium Robusto
1 Davidoff Grand Cru No. 4
1 Davidoff Aniv. Short Perfecto
1 Davidoff Millennium Piramides
1 Davidoff Aniversario No. 3
Recommended for you based on Davidoff 12 Cigar Assortment
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