Davidoff Signature 1000
Davidoff makes some of the best premium cigars on the market today. The 1000 cigar looks beautiful, smells fantastic, and taste delicious. It?s well-balanced with the finest aged Dominican filler and binder paired with a smooth Ecuador wrapper. This medium-bodied blend serves up notes of rich coco, tobacco sweetness and earthy aroma. Order a box for your humidor at Famous!
Davidoff Signature 1000
Davidoff makes some of the best premium cigars on the market today. The 1000 cigar looks beautiful, smells fantastic, and taste delicious. It?s well-balanced with the finest aged Dominican filler and binder paired with a smooth Ecuador wrapper. This medium-bodied blend serves up notes of rich coco, tobacco sweetness and earthy aroma. Order a box for your humidor at Famous!
Davidoff Signature 1000
Davidoff makes some of the best premium cigars on the market today. The 1000 cigar looks beautiful, smells fantastic, and taste delicious. It?s well-balanced with the finest aged Dominican filler and binder paired with a smooth Ecuador wrapper. This medium-bodied blend serves up notes of rich coco, tobacco sweetness and earthy aroma. Order a box for your humidor at Famous!
Davidoff Signature 1000
Davidoff makes some of the best premium cigars on the market today. The 1000 cigar looks beautiful, smells fantastic, and taste delicious. It?s well-balanced with the finest aged Dominican filler and binder paired with a smooth Ecuador wrapper. This medium-bodied blend serves up notes of rich coco, tobacco sweetness and earthy aroma. Order a box for your humidor at Famous!