My Father 5 Cigar Sampler
Jaime Garcia is the son of the renowned Don Jose Pepin Garcia - and he's more than made a name for himself among the world of Nicaraguan cigars. My Father cigars have become the pinnacle of quality and consistency coming from his family's factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Get a taste of these must-smoke cigars, in a variety of sizes, in our My Father 5 cigar sampler. The Garcias' cigars are known for their spice - and there's plenty in this delicious boxed presentation. Order yours now!
My Father 5 Cigar Sampler
Jaime Garcia is the son of the renowned Don Jose Pepin Garcia - and he's more than made a name for himself among the world of Nicaraguan cigars. My Father cigars have become the pinnacle of quality and consistency coming from his family's factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Get a taste of these must-smoke cigars, in a variety of sizes, in our My Father 5 cigar sampler. The Garcias' cigars are known for their spice - and there's plenty in this delicious boxed presentation. Order yours now!