Private Selection Nicaragua Toro
For Private Selection Nicaragua cigars, we turned to one of Esteli's foremost factories. There, they’ve turned out a mixed-filled blend that contains only robust, Nicaraguan-grown fillers and binders finished in shimmering Ecuadorian-grown Cuban seed wrappers. This daily-duty blend offers a rich, full-bodied smoke brimming with earthiness, dark tobacco flavors, peppery notes, sweet spices, and a marvelous aroma. If you’ve already glanced over at the price, or if that’s what brough you here, then you already know it’s affordable. Order your bundle now or start with a 5-pack and give 'em a test drive.
Private Selection Nicaragua Toro
For Private Selection Nicaragua cigars, we turned to one of Esteli's foremost factories. There, they’ve turned out a mixed-filled blend that contains only robust, Nicaraguan-grown fillers and binders finished in shimmering Ecuadorian-grown Cuban seed wrappers. This daily-duty blend offers a rich, full-bodied smoke brimming with earthiness, dark tobacco flavors, peppery notes, sweet spices, and a marvelous aroma. If you’ve already glanced over at the price, or if that’s what brough you here, then you already know it’s affordable. Order your bundle now or start with a 5-pack and give 'em a test drive.
Private Selection Nicaragua Toro
For Private Selection Nicaragua cigars, we turned to one of Esteli's foremost factories. There, they’ve turned out a mixed-filled blend that contains only robust, Nicaraguan-grown fillers and binders finished in shimmering Ecuadorian-grown Cuban seed wrappers. This daily-duty blend offers a rich, full-bodied smoke brimming with earthiness, dark tobacco flavors, peppery notes, sweet spices, and a marvelous aroma. If you’ve already glanced over at the price, or if that’s what brough you here, then you already know it’s affordable. Order your bundle now or start with a 5-pack and give 'em a test drive.
Private Selection Nicaragua Toro
For Private Selection Nicaragua cigars, we turned to one of Esteli's foremost factories. There, they’ve turned out a mixed-filled blend that contains only robust, Nicaraguan-grown fillers and binders finished in shimmering Ecuadorian-grown Cuban seed wrappers. This daily-duty blend offers a rich, full-bodied smoke brimming with earthiness, dark tobacco flavors, peppery notes, sweet spices, and a marvelous aroma. If you’ve already glanced over at the price, or if that’s what brough you here, then you already know it’s affordable. Order your bundle now or start with a 5-pack and give 'em a test drive.