Rocky Patel LB1 Toro
If you're an intermediate to experienced cigar enthusiast looking for an unforgettable experience, try Rocky Patel LB1 Toro. These luxurious cigars feature Nicaragua Estelí and Condega tobacco, plus bold Honduran Jamastran and Ecuadorian Habano wrappers, and you won't be able to miss the sleek white and copper embossed bands. With the first puff, expect a pepper-filled kick, transitioning to an earthy, cedar, coffee, and sweet-tobacco blend. The flavor lingers long on your palette with this 6 ½-inch cigar, a smooth draw with a tasty spicy finish.
Rocky Patel LB1 Toro
If you're an intermediate to experienced cigar enthusiast looking for an unforgettable experience, try Rocky Patel LB1 Toro. These luxurious cigars feature Nicaragua Estelí and Condega tobacco, plus bold Honduran Jamastran and Ecuadorian Habano wrappers, and you won't be able to miss the sleek white and copper embossed bands. With the first puff, expect a pepper-filled kick, transitioning to an earthy, cedar, coffee, and sweet-tobacco blend. The flavor lingers long on your palette with this 6 ½-inch cigar, a smooth draw with a tasty spicy finish.
Rocky Patel LB1 Toro
If you're an intermediate to experienced cigar enthusiast looking for an unforgettable experience, try Rocky Patel LB1 Toro. These luxurious cigars feature Nicaragua Estelí and Condega tobacco, plus bold Honduran Jamastran and Ecuadorian Habano wrappers, and you won't be able to miss the sleek white and copper embossed bands. With the first puff, expect a pepper-filled kick, transitioning to an earthy, cedar, coffee, and sweet-tobacco blend. The flavor lingers long on your palette with this 6 ½-inch cigar, a smooth draw with a tasty spicy finish.
Rocky Patel LB1 Toro
If you're an intermediate to experienced cigar enthusiast looking for an unforgettable experience, try Rocky Patel LB1 Toro. These luxurious cigars feature Nicaragua Estelí and Condega tobacco, plus bold Honduran Jamastran and Ecuadorian Habano wrappers, and you won't be able to miss the sleek white and copper embossed bands. With the first puff, expect a pepper-filled kick, transitioning to an earthy, cedar, coffee, and sweet-tobacco blend. The flavor lingers long on your palette with this 6 ½-inch cigar, a smooth draw with a tasty spicy finish.
(ends 09/15)