Zino Nicaragua Gordo
Embrace the vivid flavors of Zino Nicaragua Gordo cigars. These 6x60 members of the Davidoff family boast a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounding a rich core of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican long fillers. Expertly blended for an earthy, sweet-spicy profile, each of these handmades delivers a complex array of earthy flavors complemented by pepper, cedar, coffee, and fresh spices. Adorned with bright yellow bands, these affordable luxury cigars offer unparalleled quality and value. Indulge in the Zino Nicaragua Gordo experience and savor every last puff of its opulent, creamy smoke. Add a box or 4-cigar Fresh Pack to today’s order.
Zino Nicaragua Gordo
Embrace the vivid flavors of Zino Nicaragua Gordo cigars. These 6x60 members of the Davidoff family boast a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounding a rich core of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican long fillers. Expertly blended for an earthy, sweet-spicy profile, each of these handmades delivers a complex array of earthy flavors complemented by pepper, cedar, coffee, and fresh spices. Adorned with bright yellow bands, these affordable luxury cigars offer unparalleled quality and value. Indulge in the Zino Nicaragua Gordo experience and savor every last puff of its opulent, creamy smoke. Add a box or 4-cigar Fresh Pack to today’s order.
Zino Nicaragua Gordo
Embrace the vivid flavors of Zino Nicaragua Gordo cigars. These 6x60 members of the Davidoff family boast a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounding a rich core of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican long fillers. Expertly blended for an earthy, sweet-spicy profile, each of these handmades delivers a complex array of earthy flavors complemented by pepper, cedar, coffee, and fresh spices. Adorned with bright yellow bands, these affordable luxury cigars offer unparalleled quality and value. Indulge in the Zino Nicaragua Gordo experience and savor every last puff of its opulent, creamy smoke. Add a box or 4-cigar Fresh Pack to today’s order.
Zino Nicaragua Gordo
Embrace the vivid flavors of Zino Nicaragua Gordo cigars. These 6x60 members of the Davidoff family boast a silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper surrounding a rich core of Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican long fillers. Expertly blended for an earthy, sweet-spicy profile, each of these handmades delivers a complex array of earthy flavors complemented by pepper, cedar, coffee, and fresh spices. Adorned with bright yellow bands, these affordable luxury cigars offer unparalleled quality and value. Indulge in the Zino Nicaragua Gordo experience and savor every last puff of its opulent, creamy smoke. Add a box or 4-cigar Fresh Pack to today’s order.