2018 CA REPORT: The Essential Cigar Advisor Guide To Davidoff Cigars
The Davidoff Cigars Back Story
DATELINE: Geneva, Switzerland, 1911. The place—a 12 x 16-foot tobacconist’s shop where 5-year-old Zino Davidoff is getting his first glimpse of the tobacco business. Of course, Zino’s image, as most cigar smokers know it, was that of a man-of-the-world who dined on the finest cuisine, drank the most prized wines, and wore the most exclusive threads. Yet, like many successful businessmen, he started out poor.
What brought the Davidoffs to Geneva six years before the Russian Revolution, was Russia’s oppressive, anti-Semitic atmosphere. Zino’s father, Hillel, who made custom-blended cigarettes, opened his modest tobacco store in the Plainpalais quarter of the city. An interesting aside is that some of Hillel’s customers were plotters of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin, himself.
After completing high school, Zino opted for travel over college. His interest in tobacco took him to South America where worked on a tobacco farm near Buenos Aires. From there it was on to Havana, Cuba where he spent two years learning the entire tobacco growing, curing, fermentation, and rolling methods.
When he returned to Geneva in 1930, Zino convinced his father to stock Cuban cigars. More than just a salesmen who took a devoted interest in his customers, Zino was also a savvy marketer. As a result, over the years leading up to and long after World War II, “Davidoff of Geneva” was THE source in Europe for Cuban cigars.
Cuban Davidoffs were made up until 1988 when Zino set fire to 130,000 Davidoff White Labels in Basel, because of a production run that didn’t meet his standards. The relationship with Cuba broken, in 1990 Davidoff cigar production moved to the Dominican Republic. Under the direction of Dutch-born master blender, Hendrik Kelner, the Davidoff brand positioned itself on par with the Cubans as the finest Dominican-made cigars, and never looked back.
In 2007, the Oettinger-Davidoff Group acquired the exclusive rights for the production, from the descendants of the former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill to market and sell cigars, cigarillos, and accessories under the “Winston Churchill” Cigars name. A year later Davidoff launched the first “Winston Churchill” cigars range.
2013 marked the debut of the highly-acclaimed Davidoff Nicaragua cigar selection. The acquisition of tobacco farmland in Nicaragua and Honduras in 2015 represented a further strengthening of the company’s “crop-to-shop” philosophy. That year also marked the re-boot of the Davidoff Winston Churchill line of cigars reviewed in this guide, and the Davidoff Escurio selection, a Brazilian range of cigars inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit. Then, on the heels of the global success behind its Winston Churchill line, Davidoff Cigars launched the Winston Churchill “The Late Hour” cigar range in June 2017.
Celebrating their 50th Anniversary in 2018, Davidoff remains committed to embody the high-standards that Zino set, the expertise he imparted to his customers, and the experience of smoking a cigar handcrafted with impeccable quality. Created to consistently entice every area of the palate, these are the Davidoff cigars that American cigar smokers know and love today; that’s why we wanted to review them, and give you a better idea of what to expect if you decide a Davidoff is in your future.
Our Guide’s Davidoff cigar reviews are roughly organized into three groupings: Icon, home to both Winston Churchill selections; Core is the traditional White Label line and extensions, while Discovery contains the cigars that use more exotic tobaccos, like Yamasa, Escurio and Nicaragua. We’ve started here with reviews for 11 of the Davidoff lines, but we should make our usual disclaimer: reviews are subjective, and palates will vary. So will the subtleties between different sizes of the same cigar. But we’re hoping these quick looks should give you the basic, broad strokes you need to know how these Davidoff cigars performed before you make the investment into learning if it’s your kind of cigar. Use this Tasting Guide, try them and see for yourself – then let us know what you think, with a comment on your experience below.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Toro (6″ x 54)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Mexican San Andres Negro
Filler: Nicaraguan Esteli and Condega, Dominican Piloto and Piloto/Olor hybrid
Construction: Well packed but still has a soft, squishy touch. The wrapper feels like velvet, very soft and finely veiny in shade of mocha.
Draw: Perfect.
Pre-light flavor: Foot: Sweet berries, basement must, and cedar. Cold Draw: White pepper, toast, earth, red pepper spice.
Toasting & Light: Lit very easily.
Initial notes: Very sweet, toasty and creamy. There’s a sweet berry-like flavor with a nutty almond and musty earth note.
Base flavors: Cream, oak, berries, aged tobacco/must, vanilla bean, spice.
Retrohale: Red pepper spice with a creamy sweetness, vanilla bean and a peppery oak.
Aroma: Lightly woody and musty.
Burn / Ash Quality: The Achilles heel to this cigar, the burn went terribly – it canoed everywhere.
Balance of flavors: Very complex, this cigar began light and fruity but ultimately gave way to earthy, oaky, and sweet flavors.
Summary: A ‘cigar of character’, the Winston Churchill does justice to the former Statesman, Commander, and icon. After a toasty start, notes of charred oak and cream are closely followed by a pleasant berry tartness that dominates the palate.
At almost the second third the tangy, tart flavors finally start to mellow out as a creamy, aged tobacco mustiness takes over. Finally, midway through and a creamy smooth profile is full on, very delectable. Oak and berries on the finish with a hint of orange citrus. Over time the aged tobacco-must is the main flavor under a heavy cream body and notes of vanilla bean, oak, and just a dash of orange.
By the end, Davidoff’s signature mushroom-like musty note is in and I love it. Apart from this, oak, vanilla, and earth churn on until the end.
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Churchill (7” x 48)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano Oscuro
Binder: Mexican San Andres Negro
Filler: Nicaragua/Dominican Republic
Construction: For an Oscuro, a very light color with evident veins, slight tooth and velvety sheen. Hefty in the hand.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor: Leather, whiskey malts, cocoa & natural tobacco…some spice on the lips.
Toasting & Light: Quick light, with huge plumes of smoke to start.
First Few Puffs: Charred wood and black pepper are very evident, with those whiskey notes hitting subtly in the background.
Base flavors: Citrus, baked goods, wood, caramel, malt, leather and salt.
Retrohale: Toasted wood and spice.
Aroma: Oaky, with a slight sweet/floral note.
Burn & Ash Quality: Short, grey ash. Very tight burn line with a bit of a wave, but no touch ups necessary.
Balance of flavors: A couple layers of great flavors.
Summary: I witnessed firsthand the opening of the whisky barrels in which Davidoff was aging the tobaccos for this cigar…it’s hard to find words to describe the aroma, other than whoa. A good whoa.
About an inch in, The Late Hour moves towards a set of flavors that include coffee and citrus, along with something warm and sweet – I’m not sure if it’s nuts, bread or pastries, but it’s an absolute bakery delight. Intensity climbs, with some spices hitting the tip of the tongue. The dry burn of the whisky-aged tobaccos is subtle but still noticeable. Saltiness jumps on board, making the mouth water; the sweetness is growing, balanced with cedar and leather. A lot of flavor here, but the retrohale really shows how complex the Winston Churchill Late Hour can get.
Even when you think you’re entering the final stages, Winston breaks out a few more moves: a floral note, then some hay, then some tanginess – which lingers on your taste buds.
A luxury cigar by way of both price and performance: The Late Hour keeps reassuring you of its whiskey-bred pedigree with a dash of dark, woody smokiness that borders on charred wood. Treat yourself: just be prepared for a smoke that will hold your attention to the nub.
– John
Davidoff Signature Series Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Petit Corona (4 ½” x 41)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut Shade
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Construction: Perfect, nice hefty weight and solid construction. The wrapper is oily and gorgeous, an easy 10 out of 10.
Draw: Perfect.
Pre-light flavor: Foot: Cedar wood, barnyard, and pepper. Cold draw: Salted bread, earth, and hay.
Toasting & Light: Very easy.
Initial notes: Lightly peppery, bready and earthy with a light citrus finish.
Base flavors: Cedar, spice, honey, mushroom-like must, earth and bread.
Retrohale: Midway: creamy, slight red pepper spice, orange zest. Final third: White pepper, bread, red pepper spice, mushroom earthiness and cream.
Aroma: Woody and nutty.
Burn / Ash Quality: The ash is a white/gray, slightly flaky but builds nicely. The burn line required an occasional touch up here and there from canoeing.
Balance of flavors: A very sweet, bready and creamy smoke that heavily favors complexity over strength.
Summary: The Signature line represents everything Davidoff does best: high quality Dominican tobaccos, a flawless Connecticut wrapper and a luxurious smoking experience. Post initial notes, a cedar laden profile takes over with a honey sweetness and a warm nutty and herbal clover sensation. The smoke pulls in creamy white plumes, rich with woody and nutty aromas.
The body quickly steps into the medium realm as a warm spice, rich woods, cream, orange zest, and earth become prominent. By midway through a honey sweetness takes over with cashews, spice, and bread backing it up. By the end a hearty mushroom-like earthiness steps up to the plate followed by the honey.
– Fred
Davidoff 50th Anniversary Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Aniversario No.3 (6″ x 50, Toro)
Strength: Medium-Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic (from multiple harvests)
Construction: First rate.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor: Toasty, leathery.
Toasting & Light: Tobaccos take quickly to flame and lights evenly across.
Initial Notes: Earthy with a strong woody component.
Base flavors: Cedar, sweet cream, peppery spice.
Aroma: Sweet wood.
Burn & Ash Quality: Even burn throughout with a dark gray, semi-firm ash.
Balance of flavors: Perfect.
Summary: Starts out a bit sharp, then rounds out to a smooth, well-balanced, mostly woody profile, underscored by a distinct note of sweet cream. The dense smoke draws easily emitting a sweet, woody aroma, like burning cedar. Some peppery spice enters right before the midsection and sticks. The last act issues a creamy, well-rounded smoke dominated by more earth, peppery spice and dark chocolate. Excellent with coffee in the morning or after dinner with a fine, long-aged rum or bourbon. Here again, letting the cigar “smoke itself” between puffs allows more flavors to come through. Another great example of how Davidoff’s tobacco blending hits every flavor zone on the palate.
– Gary
Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Toro (6” x 50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Mexican San Andres
Filler: Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Construction: Its walnut-colored wrapper is oily and has some prominent veins, but the construction here is flawless. It’s hard to find the lines on the cap – it’s placed that well.
Draw: Free flowing.
Pre-light flavor: Grassy and sweet with a barnyard aroma.
Toasting & Light: Aromatic, notes of roasted nuts and wood.
Base flavors: Cocoa powder, citrus, floral, nuts, and sweetness.
Retrohale: Smooth with floral and sweetness – no pepper.
Aroma: Toasty and warm.
Burn & Ash Quality: Even burn with a thin line. The ash comes off every inch or so, but it isn’t flaky or thin.
Balance of flavors: It starts out sweet and ends on a sweet and salty note.
Summary: When Rose Zaretsky opened the doors to what would become Famous Smoke Shop, she likely never dreamed it would turn into the company that her son Arthur would one day oversee. When it came time to celebrate year 75, we handed the reins to Davidoff to craft a cigar worthy of such a milestone – Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary.
Expertly constructed, these walnut-hued cigars are visibly distinct with a similar pattern on the leaf that’s somewhat similar to wood burl. There were almost no visible lines or seams on my sample, but I noticed two sizable veins that were protruding. The cap seemed to be fused to the cigar as if it were part of the wrapper entirely. Pre-lit, the cigar’s flavor was grassy, earthy, and sweet.
Toasting gave way to an aromatic offering of roasted nuts and wood which transitioned to nuances of cocoa powder – almost like hot chocolate mix – and a sweetness that was comprised of floral and citrus undertones. When retrohaling, I couldn’t detect any pepper whatsoever. The word of the day here is smooth – and enough so that if you’ve been hesitant to give retro a try, this cigar makes for a fantastic set of training wheels. The burn line was thin and never seemed to deviate more than what you’d reasonably expect, and the ash held well without flaking.
Up front, the cigar was unbalanced on the sweet side. There weren’t any savory flavors that I could perceive unless I touched my tongue directly to the groove made by my V-cutter, and this, a bit disappointingly, continued throughout the first half. A hair past midway into the cigar, those sugary notes started to shift toward a more savory appeal. The sweetness was still present, as was the earthiness, but notes of salted peanuts had begun taking center stage and the cigar finished out much more balanced than it had started. A sweet up-front/savory on the back-end profile made for an elegant experience, almost as if Davidoff knew what I wanted, but intended to make the wait worth it. If you love medium-bodied blends and have been waiting for the right super premium to cross it off your bucket list, Davidoff Famous 75th Anniversary might have just handed you the pen.
– Jared Gulick
Davidoff 702 Series Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Aniversario No.3 (6″ x 50, Toro)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Proprietary Ecuador 702 (a hybrid of 3 Cuban seeds)
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Construction: Outstanding. Cigar is solidly packed and seamlessly rolled. (I could barely make out the seams.) Nice weight in hand. Wrapper has some marginally visible veins, an attractive reddish hue, and a satiny feel.
Draw: Excellent.
Pre-light flavor: Leathery.
Toasting & Light: Nice and easy.
Initial Notes: Sweet wood,peppery spice, cedar.
Base flavors: Earth, cedar, oak, sweet tobacco, white pepper.
Aroma: Rich.
Burn & Ash Quality: Excellent. Burn is mostly even with a thin carbon line. Ash is entirely gray and slightly flaky.
Balance of flavors: Perfect.
Summary: A peppery, attention-getting start quickly rounds-out to a sweeter, earthy, and spicy smoke with a lapping of white pepper on a long finish, through the first inch. After that, the cigar makes a sharp turn toward a sweeter profile as the spice, though still distinguishable, recedes into the wings. Dark enough to pass for a maduro, the hybrid 702 Ecuador wrapper is the star of the show as it melds beautifully with the aged Dominican leaves below the surface.
The smoke is abundant and chewy with a pleasant creaminess, and by the midsection, the No.3 rounds to a sweet ‘n savory smoke reminiscent of the Winston Churchill Late Hour. During the final act, the smoke picks up more spice and depth with a mostly earthy-woody profile underscored by a fine ribbon of sweet spice. Tailored more to the cigar smoker with an educated palate, the 702 Aniversario No.3 is another fine example of how Davidoff teases the palate with an ample display of flavors.
– Gary
Davidoff Grand Cru Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Robusto (5¼” x 52)
Strength: Mellow-Medium
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Construction: Flawless. Well-packed throughout. Cigar has nice weight; wrapper is impressively silky. Cap practically pops-off in a perfect circle.
Draw: Very good.
Pre-light flavor: Tea, raisins.
Toasting & Light: No issues. Wrapper lights evenly, as long as you don’t overdo it.
Initial Notes: Mellow, creamy and a little earthy.
Base flavors: Cedar, sweet tobacco, light spice.
Aroma: Sweet.
Burn & Ash Quality: Excellent. Ash is almost completely gray and firm.
Balance of flavors: 50/50.
Summary: As I was smoking this smooth and creamy delight, I kept saying to myself, “This is gold!” Paired with my morning coffee, this Grand Cru was a perfect match. The smoke is dense and every puff was as creamy, toasty and sweet as the one that preceded it. In the early stages, the smoke is very toasty, with some natural sweetness off the wrapper. By the second act some spicy notes enter the mix. To get the most flavor from this cigar you really have to savor it slowly, and that means dragging on it a little more lightly, too. In the latter stages, the smoke acquires more depth, more strength and more intensity as notes of black pepper arrive, knocking-out much of the sweetness and leaving a trail of earth, cedar, and peppery spice on a long finish. If I had to name it, I’d probably call the Davidoff Grand Cru “the quintessential connoisseur cigar.”
– Gary
Davidoff Millennium Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Toro (6″ x 50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sun Grown Hybrid
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Construction: Flawless.
Draw: Effortless.
Pre-light flavor: Earthy.
Initial Notes: Earthy, slightly peppery and sweet.
Base flavors: Earth, espresso, black cherry.
Retrohale: Whoa…
Aroma: Charred wood.
Burn & Ash Quality: Perfect burn and a very solid ash.
Balance of flavors: Well-balanced like all Davidoffs.
Summary: Years back I had thought that Davidoff only made mellow and creamy cigars, but the Millennium couldn’t make that misguided thinking any farther from the truth. Trust me when I say that this complex creation is full in body and just loaded with intense, bold flavors.
The inner core of the blend features vintage Dominican tobaccos aged a minimum of four years, but it’s that dark and oily Ecuadorian Sun Grown Hybrid outer wrapper (grown exclusively for Davidoff) that gives it that big-bang of flavor. It’s earthy and rich with notes of espresso and black cherry, especially on the finish. This makes for a sumptuous after dinner smoke that I paired with a fine Tawny Port and a full-bodied coffee. But, any of your brown liquors will surely pair quite nicely. A lot of people tell me that this is their favorite Davidoff cigar and I just may have become part of that smoky and discerning crowd.
– Tommy Zman
Davidoff Colorado Claro Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Short Perfecto (4 7/8” x 52, Figurado)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut (Sun Grown)
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Construction: The name says it all for wrapper color; very elegant, with subtle oils.
Draw: A closed-foot perfecto, so not much of a draw – but opens up nicely once it’s lit.
Pre-light flavor: Has a leather/barn/hay smell.
Toasting & Light: Quick light.
First Few Puffs: Musty earth (that’s a Davidoff thing, apparently), pepper and wood.
Base flavors: Wood, cream, natural tobacco, sweetness.
Retrohale: Very smooth, with a bit of pepper and dried herbs.
Aroma: Floral, bread.
Burn & Ash Quality: Neat, coin-stacked ash that’s almost white and holds strong. Super fine burn line with just a bit of wave to it.
Balance of flavors: Very complex – adds new layers as you smoke it.
Summary: A couple things…the Perfecto is a notoriously difficult shape to roll; Davidoff does theirs extremely well, because the draw is already great just a couple of puffs in. They also can burn funny because of the shape, but the Colorado Claro Short Perfecto performs extremely well. As for the wrapper, Davidoff used a “rare sun-grown Connecticut Ecuador wrapper reminiscent of the Cuban varietal” (their words) – so it’s a darker, reddish-brown color with stronger flavor, as opposed to the usual blond-hued Connecticut fare.
Thick, peppery-creamy smoke pours off this smoke right from the outset, along with pepper and a few salty, savory sensations – and a long-lasting sweetness on the finish. Nice.
Then the Colorado Claro turns the flavor dial up very quickly, and very noticeably: oak, cream, coffee bean and natural tobacco flavors pop up, as does some sweetness that’s like citrus or raisins. The smoke is intense, but now more buttery than peppery. One last retrohale actually sends mint at the senses. It finishes with a sensation of charred wood and a bit of a liqueur-like taste, though I’m not sure how I feel about that; what I do like, is that the lips tingle throughout the smoke with varying degrees of salt and spice.
And though you may be done smoking it, this Davidoff isn’t done with you: I was caught off guard by the lingering full body effects toward the end…it came on in a wave about 5 full minutes after I finished smoking it. Not a powerhouse smoke, but it ain’t dainty.
This Davidoff Colorado Claro Short Perfecto is a shorter smoke – 30-40 minutes – but the full flavor sticks with you. You might even stretch it out close to an hour if you really try, if not for any other reason than it’s worth it.
– John
Davidoff Nicaragua Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Nicaraguan
Size: Diadema (6½” x 50, Figurado)
Strength: Medium-Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Construction: Perfect construction.
Draw: Smooth and lots of smoke.
Pre-light flavor: Woody.
Initial Notes: Slightly sweet and tangy.
Base flavors: Cedar, citrus, spice.
Retrohale: Spicy.
Aroma: Sweet, woody.
Burn & Ash Quality: Excellent burn and solid ash.
Balance of flavors: Incredibly well balanced.
Summary: The blenders at Davidoff were on a quest to create an all-Nicaraguan full-flavored cigar and I can tell you right now that it is most definitely mission accomplished (with the Toro claiming the #3 spot in 2013’s top 25 Cigars of the year). The inner tobaccos hail from all four growing regions of Nicaragua, producing an amazing complexity throughout the smoke. But it’s the Rosado colored Habano wrapper leaf that gives its silky exterior and undeniable smoothness.
While they refer to it as full bodied, I think it’s medium to full in strength, but very full of flavor. You’ll experience pronounced notes of wood and spice with a citrus-like tanginess that lingers on the palate delivering a nice long finish. Of course the construction is flawless as each pull and exhale sends billowing white smoke into the stratosphere. The Nicaraguan is an elegant smoke, and it’s got the flavor and complexity that can make any man willingly open up his wallet.
– Tommy Zman
Davidoff Yamasa Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Piramides (6 1/8” x 52, Figurado)
Strength: Medium-Full
Wrapper: Yamasa (Dominican Republic)
Binder: Yamasa San Vicente (Dominican Republic)
Filler: Nicaragua/Dominican Republic
Construction: Slightly marbled chestnut brown wrapper with very fine veins, a slight oily sheen and some bumps.
Draw: Clear with only slight resistance.
Pre-light flavor: Citrus, mellow coffee and earth.
Toasting & Light: Average time.
First Few Puffs: Musty leather, citrus and a sweet creaminess – plus a boost of spice on the finish.
Base flavors: Leather, citrus, toast, spice, salt.
Retrohale: Noticeably cool, with a bit of mustiness, a small dash of pepper and minerals.
Aroma: Excellent – warm mix of cedar and bread.
Burn & Ash Quality: Burn line is thin but slightly ragged; no touch-ups needed. Ash is a mix of greys and holds firm.
Balance of flavors: Exceedingly complex.
Summary: A Davidoff that’s wildly flavorful right off the line: a mouthwatering combo of citrus tang and saltiness immediately awakens the taste buds…along the way it picks up a spice that persists like a low, steady hum. Smoke is thick, cool and sweet. Yamasa refuses to let its foot off the gas, pumping out tart and sweet, juicy flavors before grabbing another gear and shifting up to sturdy tastes of dark coffee, oak and minerals. The sweetness turns salty and adds sensations of cured tobacco and hay, then finishes strong with an earthy, exotic flavor that I can’t put my finger on – but it’s good. As for strength, the cigar starts medium and builds; this Yamasa has some beef to it that most Davidoff cigars do not.
Incredibly well-made, intensely flavorful: the Yamasa Piramides is a 5-star smoke in my book, and one I’ll put on my “recommend” list next time you’re in the mood for a top-shelf smoke.
– John
Davidoff Escurio Cigar Review
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Size: Gran Perfecto (5″ x 61, Figurado)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Binder: Brazilian Cubra
Filler: Brazilian Cubra & Mata Fina, Dominican San Vicente Piloto, and a hybrid of Olor and Piloto Seco
Construction: Perfect, a weighty feel and overall very well built. The wrapper is lush, very oily and just looking at it makes my mouth water.
Draw: Perfect.
Pre-light flavor: Foot: Dry cedar, berries, leather and honey. Cold Draw: Cedar, slight herbal note, toast, earth, and leather.
Toasting & Light: Very easy.
Initial notes: Leather, pepper, cedar, earth, nuts and a dry sensation. The smoke is very light and comes out in huge plumes.
Base flavors: Cedar, leather, nuts, toast, citrus.
Retrohale: Lightly citrus, nutty, cedar, and earth.
Aroma: Very sweet and woody.
Burn / Ash Quality: A dark grey ash that stacks well. The burn line is consistently sharp.
Balance of flavors: A very savory cigar that builds in strength from start to finish.
Summary: You can rest assured when Davidoff dabbled in the lush tobaccos of Brazil, they went all in. After a Dickman cut and the passing of the initial notes, this ultra-premium shifted flavors toward a dry, roasted profile with cedar, leather, and a nice roasted nut finish and buttery mouthfeel. While the strength starts mellow, it vastly builds from here up.
By midway through the smoke is hearty and extra creamy. The dry roasted flavor has drifted into obscurity as a simple combination of cedar, honey, and toast are the main notes. Over time the strength moves toward medium-full, very savory and beefy with brown sugar sweetness rising to the surface and cedar, leather, earth and toast in the background.
While the flavors had been straightforward, complexity rears its head up with a slight mushroom flavor, cream, toast, leather, a slight citrus note and honey all in a generally beefy profile.
– Fred