Cigar News

Cigar News: Foundation Metapa Cigars Headed to Retail

Metapa Introduces Blends Built Around Sumatra Ecuador Wrapper

Ellington, CT– Foundation Cigar Company has shipped its new line, Metapa, to cigar shops nationwide. Inspired by and named for the birthplace of legendary Nicaraguan poet, Rubén Darío, Metapa pays homage to Nicaragua’s rich cultural heritage and the artistry behind its world-class cigars.

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“Metapa is a tribute to the poetic soul of Nicaragua,” said Nicholas Melillo, founder and Master Blender of Foundation Cigar Company. “The image of Rubén Darío is iconic; he is considered one of the greatest poets in the Spanish language. I have always wanted to make a brand in his honor, and I have always wanted to introduce a blend around Sumatra Ecuador wrapper. Metapa is the result.”

The Metapa selection will feature a range of meticulously crafted vitolas in Claro and Maduro, each showcasing the complexity, balance, and depth of flavor that has become synonymous with Foundation Cigar Company’s offerings. The blend consists of Sumatra Ecuador wrapper, Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and Nicaraguan filler.

“This blend is unique and unlike anything I have ever created,” added Mr. Melillo. “The Connecticut Broadleaf binder adds a bit of sweetness, the Nicaragua filler, body and strength, and the wrapper is the icing on the cake.

cigar advisor news – foundation metapa cigars headed to retail – release – maduro open box
Foundation Cigars Metapa Maduro

“Metapa is derived from the [ancient Nicaraguan] Nahuatl word metl, which means ‘place of magueys ,’ a type of agave plant. The maguey plant has significant cultural and religious symbolism in Central American mythology and art. This was used often in Dario’s poems. Metapa is now known as Ciudad Darío in his honor.”

The cigars began shipping in regional batches on October 20th with the intent of all customers receiving their orders at approximately the same time. Please contact your local tobacconist for availability.

Metapa Maduro & Claro available sizes (prices shown are MSRP)
Double Corona – 7” x 54 – Soft Box Press – $18.00 per cigar / $180.00 per 10 count boxes
Toro – 6” x 52 – Soft Box Press – $16.50 per cigar / $165.00 per 10 count boxes
Robusto – 5” x 50 – Soft Box Press – $15.50 per cigar/ $155.00 per 10 count boxes
Corona Gorda – 5½” x 48 – Soft Box Press – $14.50 per cigar / $145.00 per 10 count boxes