Famous Smoke Shop is a name synonymous with premium cigars, boasting a rich history dating back to 1939. From its humble beginnings on the streets of New York City to its current status as a leading online retailer, the company has consistently provided discerning smokers with a curated selection of cigars, humidors, and accessories.
In October 1939, David and Rose Zaretsky opened the doors of Famous Smoke Shop in Midtown Manhattan. Initially, the store operated as a cigar and gift shop, catering to a local clientele. However, David's passion for cigars and Rose's astute business acumen proved to be a winning combination. They quickly expanded their offerings, establishing a reputation for quality and personalized service.
In 1970, David and Rose's son, Arthur Zaretsky, joined the family business. Recognizing the potential of mail-order marketing, Arthur spearheaded the launch of the company's first catalog in 1974. This strategic move opened doors to a wider customer base, propelling Famous Smoke Shop to national prominence.
Arthur's vision and leadership proved invaluable. He assumed sole ownership in 1984 and continued to build upon the company's legacy. He expanded the online presence, launched "Cigar Advisor" an online magazine publication, and opened a retail location along with Leaf Cigar Bar located in Eason, PA.
Famous Smoke Shop has always embraced innovation while staying true to its core values. It was one of the first cigar retailers to establish a strong online presence, recognizing the shift in consumer behavior. The company's website, launched in 1994, provided customers with a convenient platform to browse and purchase cigars, humidors, and cigar accessories.
Today, Famous Smoke Shop remains at the forefront of the industry, offering a comprehensive selection of over 8,000 cigars from around the world. It also provides educational resources, personalized recommendations, and exceptional customer service.
With over 83 years of experience and a dedicated team of cigar aficionados, Famous Smoke Shop continues to thrive. The company is committed to providing customers with an unparalleled selection of premium cigars and smoker's essentials. It also actively promotes the enjoyment of cigars through educational initiatives and community engagement.
As Famous Smoke Shop enters its next chapter, one thing remains certain: its legacy of providing exceptional quality, personalized service, and a passion for cigars will continue to resonate with discerning smokers for generations to come.