Massive cigar discounts were just the beginning; now Famous Smoke Shop's Mighty Axe of Price Cuts swings again, handing you this impeccable free-fer deal. Select your 5-Packs from the list of brands below, and click 'Add This Pack' to place each one in your basket. For every 4 Packs you select, one (1) will be FREE! Your free Pack is determined by the LOWEST PRICED Pack you've selected. There's no limit to the number of 5-Packs you can buy - but to keep it livelier (and frenzy-er) for all players, you may not order more than 3 of the same Pack. When you're happy with your choices, click 'Move Items to Cart.' A generous selection of top brand names and sizes, with the per-stick price cut to the bone; the Frenzy has no equal.