Best Of Roma Craft Sampler
Roma Craft is one helluva success story, and their artisanal approach to making premium cigars has won them countless fans. This10 cigar collection represents some of their finest releases, including a variety of Intemperance blends plus standards like CroMagnon Aquitaine. RomaCraft has always focused on the "craft" part before everything else - we, however, have made it our priority to offer creations like these at reasonable prices. So take advantage of a delicious sampler like this at a Famous price that's just as tasty: one of the best boutique blends on the market today, at a fraction of the msrp. Order your sampler now!
Best Of Roma Craft Sampler
Roma Craft is one helluva success story, and their artisanal approach to making premium cigars has won them countless fans. This10 cigar collection represents some of their finest releases, including a variety of Intemperance blends plus standards like CroMagnon Aquitaine. RomaCraft has always focused on the "craft" part before everything else - we, however, have made it our priority to offer creations like these at reasonable prices. So take advantage of a delicious sampler like this at a Famous price that's just as tasty: one of the best boutique blends on the market today, at a fraction of the msrp. Order your sampler now!