From his humble days as an intern in Washington sent on cigar runs, to seasoned Davidoff rep, and eventually CAO VP of Sales, Micky Pegg’s journey has made him one of the most respected faces in the cigar industry. Micky has co-founded All Saints Cigars with Martin Corboy and Frank Layo, tapping Amilcar Perez-Castro of TAVICUSA along the way to helm production. All Saints Dedicación is its their first production blend and is available in four popular sizes.
“Dedicación is for every meaningful person in my life,” said Micky, on All Saints’ website. The cigar features a lush Mexican San Andres wrapper with plenty of sweetness and a core of robust Nicaraguan tobaccos. Complex notes of wood, citrus, nuts, and coffee made this a memorable smoke for us here in the office. We think you’ll agree. Order your box and see!