Bull Moose is a cigar for enthusiasts who prefer thick-sized smokes. These monstrous 60 or 70 ring gauge cigars are an extension of the brand's longtime favorite Chillin’ Moose cigar manufactured by the Forged cigar company.
Chillin' Moose Bull Moose smokes are hearty Nicaraguan puros that are not only made with Tobacco from this region they are also produced in Nicaragua at the Tabacalera Carlos Sanchez S.A. factory. Available in a Natural Habano, this blend is crafted exclusively with an all-Nicaraguan, “high-octane blend” sourced from the country’s rich volcanic soils. Bull Moose offers huge 60-ring gauge cigars in four sizes. John Hakiem, brand manager of Chillin’ Moose said, “This is the perfect cigar for the initiated smoker who wants the experience of a Nicaraguan puro without breaking the bank”.
Bull Moose cigars offer a full-bodied smoke with decadent notes of dark chocolate and nuts leaving a spicy finish. Bull Moose cigars execute a quality premium cigar that is both easy on the wallet and delicious on the palate. Order a 20-count box right here at Famous!