House your cigars in luxury with Colibri humidors. These desk top humidors are just what every connoisseur needs. Colibri humidors are specifically designed to preserve the freshness of your cigars with proper humidification.
Pro Tip: In order to make sure you are keeping your cigars as fresh as possible inside your new Colibri humidor, make sure you take the time to season your humidor first before storing your previous stogies. Seasoning your humidor is an long-standing tradition that enhances the preservation, flavor, and quality of your cigars.
The Colibri Quasar Humidor is designed to fit 45-50 of your favorite cigars secured tightly in a magnetic humidor case. The Colibri Heritage Humidor holds your cigars in style, its cedar interior secures 125 of your most treasured cigars. It features a digital hygrometer with an adaptable and magnetic humidification system.
Colibri humidors are the best buy on the market, buy em’ at Famous for a bargain price!