Primeros by Davidoff cigarillos are rolled to a Petite Panatela format for enjoying the ultimate luxury smoke when time is short. Davidoff is renown throughout the world for using only the finest, perfectly-aged filler tobaccos and flawless wrappers for all of their cigars, so you'll always enjoy a smoke that's rich, balanced, and consistently satisfying. If you're preference leans toward small cigars and cigarillos, here is where you'll find some of the best cigarillos you can buy, represented by the highly-acclaimed Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros and classic Davidoff Dominican Primeros selections in both natural and maduro wrappers. Davidoff Primeros are presented in tins of 6 cigarillos or sleeves of 5 tins. Choose the blend that's right for you and make every smoke break memorable.